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property labels not consistently populating caller id info

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:43 am
by TakeFlight
I've got a pop-up panel that is 100% working as far as popping up when there is an incoming phone call. However, it's not consistently displaying the caller id information. I'm trying to display "last caller", "last number" and "time of last call". These properties always populate when you look at the device itself. But, they don't consistently populate on the panel via the property labels. In fact, I've never gotten it to display all three at once. Usually only one shows up (randomly) and many times none of them are populated! After playing around trying to get this to work I decided to use the sample caller id template that ScottBot posted a few years ago (on this forum) and it TOO is behaving the same way.

To repeat, the caller id info is received consistently. It's just that it's not displaying on the panel consistently.

Any ideas?

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:11 am
by TakeFlight
Well, apparently this is only a problen when using the Local Software remote for testing. When I tried it on my actual tablet PC remote it worked fine! I happen to be connected to my HouseBot server via a remote desktop (RDP) connection in Windows XP. I don't know if this has anything to do with why I was having this problem when using the Local Software remote for testing my theme. In any event, it's working where I need it to be working.