updating image in realtime (help, I'm going to be mad!!!)

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updating image in realtime (help, I'm going to be mad!!!)

Post by kawagunax »

Hello guys,

Even after reading all the posts, I didn't find a solution to my problem, so thanks a lot for your help ! (and sorry if I missed the one with the solution ;) )

1/ I use the very light soft "Webcamfirst" to capture an image from a webcam. Webcamfirst capture an image every second and always give it the same filename, "webcam.jpg" for example.

2/ When I create a Dynamic Image control in Housebot in order to have a "real time" view of the webcam, I don't manage to make HB load it automaticly. When the SWremote is launched, one image is loaded, and it's over. I used the HB sample example as start point, but you always have to click on a button to operate the image updating (it works very well in this case, no problem).

3/ I've tried creating task, modes, differents types of property...without success...I just want HB to load automaticly always the same .jpg (updated by Webcamfirst) and making it show the image without any manual intervention.

So, if you have an idea to save my mind, a lot of thanks in advance !

Sorry for my english...
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Post by ScottBot »

The dynamic images are requested from the SWRemote when the Property Value that specifies that filename changes. Since only your image has changed (not the filename in the property value), the SWRemote doesn't know to ask for a new image.

Not 100% sure this will work for you, but what I would try is to:
  1. On the Device property that holds the name of the image in HouseBot, check the "Allow same value changes" checkbox.
  2. Create a Sleep Timer Device and set it to repeat every n seconds. 1 second may be a bit too often as it will take some period of time to send the entire image to the SWRemote.
  3. Create a Task that will execute when the Sleep Timer Running Property changes to Yes. Have that task change the Property value of the filename of the image to the same name that it was before (strange, I know). This in combination with the first step should trigger the change to be sent to the SWRemote.
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Post by kawagunax »


Thanks for your quick response,

I try your procedure and keep you informed of the result.

PS : Housebot is like a "adult" toy for me, I really, really enjoy it (I've even dreamed of it last night...it's true :) ). So thanks a lot for your job, Scott !
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Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:53 pm

Post by kawagunax »


It's working nicely !

Scott, a lot of thanks again :)

It's time to sleep for me and I will have nice dreams :)
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