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Feedback sound for software remote buttons

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:28 am
by b00n13
Hi all

I had just recieved my epods and start to make my own software, i noticed a little lag while will controlling the light, abt 1-2 sec, anyone had the same issue? well anyway it is not much of an issue. :lol:

I will like to ask if there is possible to have a feedback sound after clicking on a certain button, had gone through the help file. sound can only be played when the s/w remote start

tks in advance


@ Singapore

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:13 pm
by ScottBot
You can define a button press (called Key Click in the UI) sound for an entire Theme to use for all button presses. To configure it, you have to click on the Theme, then select "Theme/Theme Properties" from the main menu. You can see the edit field there for the key click sound file.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:35 am
by b00n13
tks scott, sorry to ask such a stupid qn haha... will i think HB could have a steep learning curve if w/o support like scott.

btw any way to make the reaction faster? because some time the lag is horrible haha maybe cos of my wifi connect.

tks again


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:51 am
by b00n13
hi scott

i have a qn again. if there possible to get a feedback for the controlled appliance? example, let's say my lamp1 is on via switches, is it possible to refresh/reflect that on the s/w remote? sorry to ask such a noob qn.

tks in advance again


@ Singapore

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:17 am
by ScottBot
b00n13 wrote:btw any way to make the reaction faster? because some time the lag is horrible haha maybe cos of my wifi connect.
The response between the Software Remote and server should be imperceptibly fast. Even with a dreadfully slow wifi network, I can't imagine you would see a delay. Delays are common between the HouseBot server an devices controlled over the power-line. So I'm not sure what the problem is there.
if there possible to get a feedback for the controlled appliance? example, let's say my lamp1 is on via switches, is it possible to refresh/reflect that on the s/w remote?
As soon as a Property value changes in a HouseBot Device, the new value will automatically be sent to all Software Remotes (You can see this by just manually changing a value on the server while holding a remote in your hand that is showing the value in a Theme control of some kind). So there's nothing you need to do to get the SW Remotes to refresh. Depending on the equipment you are controlling, the trick may be how to get HouseBot to recognize the change if changed physically at the switch. If you are using X10 and the lamp is controlled with a 2-way X10 Device, your hardware interface should receive the notification automatically.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:57 pm
by TakeFlight
I agree, response is indeed fast from software remotes. I have a button that turns on my SageTV client PC in my living room via a Wake On LAN command. I haven't taken my stylus (or finger) off the touchscreen button yet and the PC is already booting up. :)