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Sunrise indicator

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 2:25 pm
by joegr
I recently upgraded to 2.31. Now the sunrise flag is flipping at the wrong times (went to one at 12:53 am, then back to zero at 1:00 pm). The sunrise and sunset calculated times are correct. Also, on start up I get the error "unable to parse default time span value [23:59:00].

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:20 pm
by ScottBot
Double check your sunset and sunrise times to make sure they look correct. If they seem off, check your latitude and longitude settings. I've not experienced this one and I use those values every day.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:42 pm
by joegr
The times are correct. I changed some of my tasks from using the sunrise indicator to using the sunrise and sunset times. They seem to be working correctly that way. The calculated sunrise time is 5:55 am, and sunset is 7:50 pm. However, the sunrise indicator flipped from one to zero at 1:23 pm today. I just did a restart today. I'll let it run a few days and attach a screen shot of the history then. It's the first time I've had this problem, and it started with the program update. (I've been getting the parse error for some time, but it didn't seem to cause any harm.)

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:54 am
by Richard Naninck
My sunrise indicator works as advertised!

screen shot of failed sunrise indicator

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:47 pm
by joegr
See attached.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:45 pm
by ScottBot
Weird. Can you send another screen shot of the "Sunrise Indicator" property, but of the "General Settings" tab?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:21 am
by ScottBot
Also, try creating a second "System Time" device and see if it exhibits the same problem.

More screen shots

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:40 pm
by joegr
See attached. I added a second system timer. So far, it has the sunrise flag set correctly. I'll let you know if it stays that way over the next day or two.


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:18 pm
by joegr
The second system timer device's sunrise indicator is also changing at very wrong times. Other suggestions?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:18 pm
by ScottBot
joegr wrote:The second system timer device's sunrise indicator is also changing at very wrong times. Other suggestions?
At least they're consistent :wink:

Look in the "History" tab for the sunrise or sunset times in the System Time Device and see what time they change.

Also, try my settings (known good) for you're lat and long values (34.1327, -84.2992). I'm an hour off from you, so it may not be possible, but it would rule out the chance of your coords being in some Bermuda triangle or something.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:36 pm
by jkim
I am having the same problem as joegr. I just upgraded from the Meedio version and now by sunrise indicator is flipping on/off at strange times. I checked my long/lat and it is calculating the correct times. Any idea???

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:46 am
by yaccri
I also had strange sunrise/sunset times.
It was on a new computer that had the wrong Windows time zone.
After fixing the time zone, the sunrise/sunste times are OK.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:34 pm
by joegr
Good thought. Unfortunately, in my case the time zone is set correctly (Central /w DST).