News: A Script Device that gathers the Top 5 news stories.

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HB Guy
Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:52 pm
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News: A Script Device that gathers the Top 5 news stories.

Post by HB Guy »

News is a Script Device designed to retrieve the Top 5 news stories from a news agency's RSS feed (Really Simple Syndication).

It includes RSS URLS for CBC, BBC, and CNN's World News sections. You can modify the list and add your preferred news sources.

A Software Remote and Theme are included and serve as an example of how to integrate the News Script Device into your own HouseBot Theme.

I've attempted to reduce the VBScript code to the minimum required to get the job done. If you need more sophistication, such as monitoring eBay bids via RSS, please refer to the freely available "RSS Content Feed Class" from TelePro: ... _class.htm

This release of News works with any RSS feed that does not format the text using HTML code. News does not currently interpret HTML and, if the text includes HTML (like the HouseBot Forum RSS Feed), it will simply display all the formatting codes.
News VBScript
Just want to see the VBScript code? This copy has more comments than the one in the HBX file.
(1.16 KiB) Downloaded 1385 times
HouseBot Import file containing the News Script Device, VBscript file, Software Remote, and Theme.
(2.84 KiB) Downloaded 1004 times
Instructions for the News Script Device.
(4.29 KiB) Downloaded 987 times
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