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Display cameras

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:25 pm
by Pedromlo
Is there any way to display webcams conected to the server to the remote clients?


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:55 am
by roussell
In a way, you can't display a "live" streaming image, but you can do a few tricks that will allow you to do a time-lapse sort of thing. There are more complete instructions on the forum that should turn up in a search, but the basic steps are to have the camera save a still image to a HB-accessible folder and have some mechanism to update that image, either through HB or externally at your selected interval. Place that still on your software remote as a dynamic image and have a task that fires every x seconds to update that image (allow same value changes).

The end result is a series of still images that get pushed to the swremote at whatever interval you specify. While not as smooth as motion jpeg or other streaming technology, it's about our only solution at this point.

As an alternative, you can open the webcam in whatever device you would usually open it in. Open it "under" the swremote and have a transparent window on top of it so that it looks like it is part of HB although it really isn't.
