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Version 3.0 Feature

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:00 pm
by ScottBot
Work on Version 3 has been very slow. One of the reasons that it is progressing so slowly is that the first feature (the big feature) that I am adding is to split the User Interface apart from the core server functionality. This would allow you to remotely configure the server from one or more machines. It would also allow the server to run as a service.

However, there is a huge amount of work involved and there have been several technical hurtles that have been difficult and a few difficult ones still remain.

Every time I work on it, the thought keeps going through my head that it's not worth the effort and potential loss of stability with so much of the code needing changed. I know there are a few users that have asked for this and would like to see it, but I'm starting to doubt the time involved in the implementation is worth the value that the few users would appreciate.

So... since this is really for the users (I control my server via RDP), I'd like everyone to take a moment and answer the pole above.

I can either continue to work on the split for 3.0. This will mean AT LEAST another nine months of development and less new features.
I can bag the split and begin to focus on the long list of new features that have been requested for some time.

You make the call.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:26 pm
by Osler
Forget the split. I can see how this may be helpful for a minority of users, but the majority will never need or use this functionality. I would be very concerned about porting my current set-up to this "new" set-up...with absolutely no gain on my part (IMHO). I think the core functionality of the program is SOLID and I would focus my attention on tweaking the features. This is just my opinion based upon my personal (read: self-centered) opinion of the state of the software.


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:39 pm
by bjlamarca
Also say forget the split. I already remotely configure the server via Windows XP remote desktop.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:43 pm
by kilowatt
I would say skip the split. It would be a nice feature but I work around it by running the current version as a service using Firedaemon.

I did this originally for a system that had multiple users and I didn't want to be logged in all the time for housebot to function. I set it up to restart automatically if the service stops. The only down side is as users log in and out the access to housebot (icon in system tray) disappears. If I need to get to it to make changes I just kill the process and the icon reappears when it auto restarts. Then I can make any changes I want.

HouseBot runs as a service even when no one is logged into this system. The software remote works fine both locally and from other machines.

So separating the server out to run as a service would be a little nicer but not worth 9 months more of work.

For remote control of my systems I use VNC. I run it over SSH when I'm remotely controlling the system at my vacation home.


Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:29 am
by yaccri

Leave the split to version 4.
I personally prefer to see other enhancements first.

Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.
I suppose that you already spent a great amount of time on the splitting issue, and still you are willing to take a step back and to think it over!

Thank you!


Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:20 am
by wallebalboa
Hello scott!
Thanks for the possibility to do user input ;)
For me the "divorce" of runtime and theme editor (task/mode editor) was mainly a stability issue. (the edit of one theme button should not crash the server!). If this is a big-dig and will delay features i say focus on the features and wait with the divorce to a later release....

kind regs

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:06 am
by markd
I use VNC to access the server. A touch painful, but much better than nine months! ;-) I use the basic batch file to restart any crashes, and I'm not mission critical- if it goes down while I'm editting, no big deal.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:55 am
by JonFo
Skip the split. Remote desktop allows all the server control most of us need. And there are ways to make an app come back after a restart.

Additional features, or tweaks to the UI would add more value overall.

Thanks for asking.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:44 am
I do not see a need to split the two. I simply use RDC to connect to HB when needed. More features please!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:10 am
by roussell
Skip it, yes it would be very nice and open the door to some embedded platforms similar to Homeseer's Pro-100, but...

Most people have found ways around it, I used MS TweakUI to auto-login to the in HB account and start/restart HD from a batch file in the startup folder. It always works. I access the server through a RDP connection to the console and that computers only use is for HA related duties so it works fine.

I would like to see a split some day (maybe in 4.0) but I'm more interested in the features brought up here before and enhanced insteon/zwave/UPB support. I love the SWremotes, but along with the other changes mentioned before, I would love support for embedded HTML pages, and full-motion webcams or any other form of video. Oh yeah, flash objects in the SWremote would be nice, or maybe a flashed-based SWremote. :D

BTW, It was so exciting to login to to the forum this morning and see all the posts - it really shows that a lot of people are lurking and waiting to join in a discussion.


Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:01 pm
by Pedromlo
I´m new at HouseBot, but as a new user i think new features are more important than the split

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:01 pm
by Richard Naninck
I would be happy with other features in stead of the split.
Many different good enhancements have been discussed which probably require a lot less work.

I know this poll is only about yes or no to the split, but here goes...

Streaming video .... to get somekind of security camera's on board would be my number 1 feature.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:38 pm
by ScottBot
I think I see a pattern. So the split is now postponed until sometime in the future. I have to say that I'm not terribly disappointed that the votes went that way.

Thanks for the input.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:11 am
by PT
For my part I would agree with all of the above. Drop the split in favour of the features.

Scott Thanks for oppotunity to have some input into the decision process.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:07 pm
by incoronado
Ditto. Skip the split and work on developing core functionalty. Personally, I think the current HB design is already on the right track. I use VNC and it works perfectly fine for my use.