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ROKU Soundbridge?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:00 am
by wallebalboa
Have anyone done anything with this ?
It looks like it have a very xtensive "control protocol" ... ec_2.0.pdf
Could be a nice multizone media system for HB at resonable price. Looks like its possible to use the display from software too ;)

any hints welcome...
kind regs

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:34 pm
by Osler
It's a UPnP compliant device so you should be able to do exactly what I have done with the Sonos system. It should be relatively easy to control it from a script. Unless all of the available services are posted somewhere on the web, you will need to purchase one and interrogate it with Intels UPnP Device Spy. You could then modify my scripts as needed to function with the Roku.


Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:33 pm
by wallebalboa
Happy new year! I just got my Roku ;).

I can control it with TCP (Telnet)commands according to the RCP (Roku Control Protocol) and some people have written nice remote control programs but ofcourse i want to do this with HouseBot ;) .
It looks like you have done a great job with Sonos and i try to understand what would need to change for the ROKU twin. I am more than happy for more hints on how to do this...

Regarding CoverArt, is it possible in sonos to get it out of the server or do you plan to set a path to the music library Cover.jpg(like the winamp coverart...) or search Amazon...

tnx in advance

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:25 pm
by Osler
Great to hear it. A question for you:

Sonos incorporates both a MediaServer and a MediaRenderer in their device, which means that it is a stand-alone device and doesn't depend on MediaServer software/hardware to allow it to work. From what I was reading about the ROKU it sounded as if it is simply a MediaRenderer with a need to have PC based software to serve up the songs. Is this correct?

As far as getting control over the ROKU, the first step is for you to download the Intel UPnP Toolkit from here: ...

Unzip and then use the installer in the unzipped folder. Once installed, browse down to the balloon-caption-looking icon and start the Device Spy. The program will find all of you UPnP devices that are on the network and allow you to peak at all of the control options that are available to you (left window). You will depend heavily on this program when altering my code. The first thing you need to determine is if a MediaServer is available in the ROKU device. Click the ROKU device and expand its service tree to see what you have available. It would be helpful if you can take a screen shot of this and post it so I can take a look at it.

As far as album art on the sonos, it will need to be displayed from its path and not from the ZonePlayer. The ZonePlayer will give you the path to the art, though, so it simplifies things. My current problem is that all my stuff is in Apple Lossless form and I haven't quite figured out how to extract the album art from the music file....that is on the back burner for now.


Roku / Sonos Upnp control

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:16 pm
by dozinjp
Hi, i have a Roku HD1000 Audio and video Renderer.
I Want control it whith Housebot.
And Check the Upnp control with it, and an other music renderer.

I want download your Zip, Osler, but then link is broken.
Could you make something.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:46 pm
by Osler
The link to the com object is here: ...

The link to the intel tool set has been taken off of my site due to space; however, they can be downloaded here: ... /index.htm



Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:37 am
by wallebalboa
Found this SDK for the ROKU. ... SBMenu.asp

i tried to write some VB code for it (very basic!) and it looks like it works..

so now its time to look how can i "merge" this with your sonos stuff ;)

there is a guy who wrote a nice driver for roku<>homeseer on the roku forum so it should be doable...

the main stuff i want to do is to get nowplaying data, play, next, stop,volume and to write a property to the Roku display ( nice for caller id etc...)

kind regs

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:41 am
by Davieboy
how are u getting on with the roku and housebot setup?