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Recommendations for a caller ID modem?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:07 am
by dlmorgan999
I currently have an internal caller-ID modem installed in my HouseBot server. Unfortunately at my new house it seems that it only detects the caller ID information some of the time. I did a bit of web searching and found that other people have had similar experiences with this particular modem (or maybe chipset?).

If anyone has a caller ID modem that they have found to be really reliable I'd love to get a brand and model. I really like the ability to pop a panel when a call comes in but I want the caller ID info to be accurate. My current modem ALWAYS detects the ring but not always the caller ID info - as such sometimes the popup panel is showing the caller ID info from the *last* call.

-- Dave

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:17 pm
by ScottBot
I use a creative modem blaster v.90 de5625. The model may be obsolete, but you can find them on ebay for cheap.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:47 am
by yaccri
it only detects the caller ID information some of the time
I suffer from the same issue.
I did a lot of research and got to almost nothing (:
I tried 4 modem types (including Apache) on different computers. None was good enough.

I have two phone lines. At times, when I connect the modem to one line it works perfectly, while on the other line detection is poor.

So it seems like a line quality issue that the modems can't overcome.

BTW, I think that the modems don't through the CID when they encounter CRC errors.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:08 am
by dlmorgan999
That would be unfortunate if true. In my case I would think that shouldn't apply since I'm using Vonage but maybe there is a related issue on VOIP lines.

I was all set to go buy one of the modems that Scott recommended but now I'm not sure. The modem I'm using right now worked fine at my previous house (regular phone line - not Vonage) so it would seem that it probably *is* line related. :(

Scott: are you still using the NetCallerID box? If so what do you think of it? Maybe that would be a solution for me.

-- Dave

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:49 am
by dlmorgan999
I did some more research and I found this:
If you are considering switching to a VoIP service (such as Vonage), be aware that modems often have compatibility problems with the telephone adapter boxes used by these services. The adapters typically put out lower signal levels than you would find on a normal telephone line. Modems are sensitive to low signal levels and they may not detect when the phone is ringing, or the Caller ID may be unreliable.
That's probably my issue. I doubt there's much I can do about it except possibly to find a different type of caller ID detection. I have a Panasonic PBX at the house and it detects caller ID every time so that tells me that what Vonage is sending is reliable.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:18 pm
by loo_hoo_ser
I have a problem with my caller ID on my modem, but of a different sort!

I have distinctive ring service on my phone service. For those unfamiliar with distinctive ring, what it does it rings normally for one phone number, and gives two short rings for a second phone number, but is on the same physical phone line. This saves me the cost of having a separate second phone line. Anyway, my modem in my HB server only sees CID on the line with the normal ring, but when the phone rings for the second number (2 short rings), the modem doesn't pick up on it! Go figure.

However, my modem in my desktop PC sees both numbers ring and displays the CID correctly. Logic would dictate that I should switch the modems so I can get the HB server working but I haven't gotten around to that yet...

The modem that has trouble with distinctive ring is a Intel(R) 537EP V9x DF PCI Modem - which is an OEM modem that came with the Dell branded PC.

The modem that WORKS with distinctive ring is a Conexant D850 56K V.9x DFVc Modem (this was a Creative branded modem).

Another thing to consider is the device (if it's not straight to the wall jack or straight to the telephone network) you're plugging the modem into could be blocking the CID from getting to the modem (ie. fax machine phone handset port).

A bit offtopic - what are people doing with their caller ID data in HB? I've got mine tracking the last three callers and displaying in a single panel (320x240 sized for Pocket PC) but it is a bit of a pain because I've had to declare separate property values for each one. Maybe Scott should consider supporting array type properties in HB v3.0? :D

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:29 pm
by dlmorgan999
I'm not using this yet on caller ID but the following method which I use for other properties should work just fine (I got the main idea for this from Richard Nanick). I use this for tracking things like the last time the security system mode was changed or the last time the garage door was opened. I added an alphanumeric list property to the garage door device. Then I created a script device containing the following code:

Code: Select all

Dim CurrentList
Dim NewValue
Dim NewList
Dim TmpArray
Dim iLoop
Dim maxElement

Const LogDepth = 20

CurrentList = GetPropertyValue("Garage Door.Status List")

NewValue = CStr(Now) & " ("

If GetPropertyValue("Garage Door.Secure") = "Yes" Then
    NewValue = NewValue & "Closed"
    NewValue = NewValue & "Open"
End If

NewValue = NewValue & ")"

If InStr(CurrentList, vbLF) > 0 Then
    TmpArray = Split(CurrentList, vbLF)
    If CurrentList = "" Then
        TmpArray(0) = ""
        ReDim TmpArray(0)
        TmpArray(0) = CurrentList
    End If
End If

NewList = "*S-" & CStr(NewValue) & vbTAB & CStr(NewValue) & vbLF

If UBound(TmpArray) > LogDepth - 2 Then
    maxElement = LogDepth - 2
    maxElement = UBound(TmpArray)
End If

For iLoop = 0 To maxElement
    If InStr(TmpArray(iLoop), "*S-") > 0 Then
        NewList = NewList & Mid(TmpArray(iLoop),4) & vbLF
        NewList = NewList & TmpArray(iLoop) & vbLF
    End If

SetPropertyValue "Garage Door.Status List", NewList
This script could actually be somewhat simpler but I wanted to display the most recent data at the top of the list so I had to add a bit of logic to do that. The LogDepth constant controls how many entries are saved in the list (this could also be done using another property if desired). I have a task that runs the script device every time the garage door sensor changes state. I suspect the script could be made simpler but once I got it working I decided to just leave it as is.

-- Dave

NetCallerID Box

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:29 am
by ScottBot
I wrote a hardware interface for the NetCallerID box for acquiring caller ID info in HouseBot. It doesn't register the rings, but the CID works for me.

I've only tested it internally, so if anyone has one of these and would like to test it out, let me know and I'll send you the plugin.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:36 am
by dlmorgan999
I was thinking I could buy one of those and use the modem to detect the ring and pop a panel but populate the caller ID with the info from the NetCallerID. Do you see any problems with this idea?

-- Dave

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:38 am
by ScottBot
That would work. Unless you really need the 'ring' info, you can just trigger on when the Caller ID info received property changes and use that instead of ring.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:42 am
by dlmorgan999
Actually that's an even better idea. That way there's no chance that "stale" caller ID info might be temporarily displayed. Thanks for the tip. I think I'll order one of these and give it a try.

-- Dave

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:43 am
by dlmorgan999
Can you please go ahead and send me the interface?