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Hide controls in Sw Remote?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:07 pm
by jkish
I have some controls that I would like to have appear / disappear from a panel depending on the state of various devices.

Is this possible?

Also, it would be real nice to be able to turn of vertical scroll bars on list controls. I'm driving the whole UI from a remote so the scroll bar isn't needed and gets in the way of the interface.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:45 pm
by incoronado
There is no way to hide controls that I know of. But you could use multiple panels. Create another panel without the control(s). Then you can use a task or script to open the panel you want when a state changes and close the previous panel. This will make it appear as though the controls are being hidden.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:11 pm
by jkish
Yes, that will work, but becomes unmanagable if there are very many sets of controls that might be optional. The number of permutations gets too high.

This would seem to be a nice enhancement request - an optional device property associated with controls that would indicate whether they were enabled or not.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:49 pm
by Richard Naninck
You could use dynamic images to fake your controls. Not sure how you navigate without mouse or touch. Probably using focus. If you build a panel with transparant buttons laying on top of dynamic images, you can control these images through scripting and have them show or not show when needed. The transparant buttons however will always stay so your UIRT focus will pass by them. If all of the underlaying actions are also handled using scripting, you can enable / disable that as well together with an image appearing or disappearing. The focus would still see the transparant buttons, but it won't do anything once you press it since your script won't handle it.
This is just some thought.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:29 pm
by jkish
Have you seen the Apple TV or MCE interface? I'm doing something similar - it works quite well for a 10 ft interface.

I navigate using the arrow and select buttons on my remote which talks to the IR transceiver. A script picks up the code inputs and moves the selection on a series of AlphaLists.

The idea of using dynamic images is a possibility some some things. Others would be harder. For example, one thing I would like is that if music is playing that a gauge would appear on the main screen showing progress through the currently playing song. That would be hard to do with dynamic images without having to write my own gauge system.

It seems like being able to enable/disable controls would be the best solution - maybe it isn't too hard to add.