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Migrating to Insteon. Cannot Enable USB Hardware device

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:28 pm
by Steve Horn
Ok, I finally have begun migrating to Insteon from X10. After adding the Insteon Powerlinc V2 hardware device to the HB server I cannot Enable the device and therefore start the SDM. I confirmed that Windows recognizes the USB device but the HB Server spits back an error message "Cannot Connect to the Smarthome Device manager. Make sure...." when I attempt to enable the interface. I looked at the online Help; it shouldn't be this difficult - there's not much to it! Nevertheless...

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:08 pm
by roussell
Have you tried starting the SDM manually? You should be able to find it in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Smarthome\Device Manager

Just run sdm3.exe and see if that works. I had this problem back with 2.32 and inserted a line in my HB batch file to start the SDM before starting HB. I never checked to see if it was resolved with V3 so it's possible it may still be around...


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:35 pm
by Steve Horn
There IS no SDM in that location or anywhere else on the PC! Where's it supposed to come from? I thought it was supposed to be installed when the Insteon plug-in was added to the HB server. At least that's what the Insteon plugin help file led me to believe. Scott??? Something missing from V3? Has anyone added Insteon initially w/V3?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:51 pm
by ScottBot
The SDM doesn't automatically install with the Insteon 'Support option'. This is in case you have an existing (maybe newer) SDM and you don't want to change that configuration, but want the HouseBot plugins.

If you didn't select the "SmartHome Device Manager" option when running setup, run it again and check that option.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:35 am
by roussell
Well, not having the SDM could certainly explain it not starting. :wink:

You can download SDM 308 from here: ... r3-308.exe

I have been running this version for a while and I believe it's still the latest


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:54 am
by Steve Horn
"I See!" said the blind man. I reloaded the HB Server and this time got the SDM. And now it seems my insteon is sorta working. I have transmission and receipt issues though. I may be selling my insteon hardware real soon in favor of something RF based, like Z-Wave. My home is apparently very hard on power-line carrier based systems. Too many PCs, UPSs, surge suppressors, etc. Thanks for the SDM assist though!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:56 pm
by bjlamarca
Insteon is a dual carrier system. It uses PLC AND RF. Adding some 'Access Points' (or older SignalLincs) to your system usually solves any transmission problems.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:30 pm
by roussell
I've been trying out Insteon for about a year now. I like the white papers, but the execution is a little lacking. I found that cheap compact florescents will kill my Insteon signals, no matter how many SignaLincs I have plugged in (1800sq ft house, 4 signal links, I'm repeating). I have a post lamp outside with a CFL in it. if I turn it on, then forget about Insteon working...

I've had to return Keypads that just quit and several dimmers that would over time respond less and less to local presses. It's irritating for me, and even more so for the wife. We're actually down to just a couple of switches at this point.

I've tried Zwave, and also had reliability issues. A friend not too far from here has had to replace 3 Zwave switches in the past year due to problems. I had though about UPB, but now I'm starting to read about problems with it as well, including one post on cocoontech where a guy was having UPB problems and the issue turned out to be that his NEIGHBOR installed a new dimmer in the house next door... If the dimmer was dimmed to 0% but not turned off, it would cause interference in the UPB house next door.

I'm beginning to think that there is no good solution for retrofits. If I had it to do all over again, when I was remodeling this house I would have installed a hard-wired solution...

Steve, If you don't have any SignaLincs and would like to see if they help your situation, I'll be happy to loan you a couple.


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:56 pm
by bjlamarca
I have actually been pleasently suprised with Insteon. I have 8 SwitchLincs, 2 KeypadLincs, 6 Lamp Modules, 2 ControlLincs and 2 AccessPoints. Installed in 1500 sq ft townhouse. I run my computer business out of here so there are 4 servers, 4 workstations, printers, UPSs, and a bunch of other 'signal blocking' devices around the place.

The only problem I have had in the last year was a SignalLinc that went bad. I replaced the two of them with AccessPoints. I have had %100 percent signal reliability!

I curious what other users experiences have been.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:53 am
by Steve Horn
That's almost all very discouraging. I have lots of CFLs in the house and no SignaLincs. So maybe I should start there. I am disappointed to hear that Z-Wave may be no better. I figured that RF technology had to be more reliable than PLC. I'll try AccessPoints or SignaLincs before I bail out on Insteon. Its irritating though - MOST of my X10 is 90-100% reliable. Just a few devices are 0 to 50% reliable. I'm sure this has to do with the phase they are on, but I have a "bridge" in the load center that should help that. And after replacing the UPS in the eqpt. closet recently, reliability went down. There are two X10 controlled devices that will only work if the UPS is unplugged. Ironic that I have to unplug a UPS.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:25 am
by ScottBot
My personal experience with Z-Wave has been great. I've had one switch go bad in the three years I've been using it, but that's about it. The range is great (each switch acts as a repeater to extend the net), and it's very reliable.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:52 pm
by Steve Horn
Thanks Scott. Maybe the answer is to use all three methods: X10, Z-Wave, Insteon. What method won't work for one device may work with another. By the time this is done I'll have a billion $$ tied up in turning lights on and off... hopefully.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:56 pm
by Davieboy
anybody have any experience of the zigbee units?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:34 pm
by Steve Horn
Update: I received and installed two Access Points today. With a test of 1 plug-in adapter to control the aquarium light, the add of the APs seems to have solved my problem. Will install two wall switch devices (a dimmer and non-dimmer) over the weekend to see how they do. I'm cautiously optimistic.