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Visual C++ 2008 Express edition

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:04 am
by roussell
FWIW, I was able to compile and use the "HardwareTemplate" HW Interface from the HB SDK in VSE C++ 2008! It compiled with only a few warnings and no errors. All of the warnings were for some depreciated statements. I built the DLL and stuck it in the HB plugins directory and the 'new' HW interface showed up and worked in HB! :D

This just might give me the blind enthusiasm to attempt a HW interface and some devices for 1-wire support. We'll see. :wink:

I have to say, the 2008 editions of VSE are really nice. The new version of C++ includes by default the win32 SDK which was a pain to install and get working correctly on VSE 2005.
