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Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:55 pm
by jonkjon
Is the HouseBot_web_control.asp file still supposed to be in the web_sample directory. I don't see it. Also, if possible,does anyone have an asp.NET version or example for the com control object? Thanks!

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:11 pm
by jonkjon
I did some re-coding and was able to get what i needed so far. I am using the com control object to create aspx files for controlling my devices with an ipod touch. So far it is working great. I need to play around with the com control a little more to get the status etc. Even without the status, it's pretty cool.....

I'll still take some examples if anyone has any to offer.....

Re: HouseBot_web_control.asp

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:42 pm
by ScottBot
jonkjon wrote:Is the HouseBot_web_control.asp file still supposed to be in the web_sample directory. I don't see it....
If you chose the "External Control Sample Files" during setup (which I assume you did, since you have the other files), it will ask you do to an import the next time you start HouseBot. It will copy the ASP files in your HouseBot\Plugins\Devices\ExternalComControl\web_sample directory.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:48 am
by jonkjon
I am having some problems using the com control object to access Winamp. It runs o.k. but it causes my pc to lock up on occasion. It also seems to miss ocassionally when i send a new playlist to it from another machne on my network. It doesn't do this when i am using the com control object to access my Insteon devices.
I have triple checked my code to make sure that i have disposed of the obect(s) before i reuse them.
I was just wondering if anyone else was using the com control object to control winamp.