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Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:24 pm
by Steve Horn
Is there a property in the Winamp device that captures the "currently playing" marquee stream that some internet radio stations supply? See attached.

Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:34 am
by ScottBot
The current plugin doesn't support it. I'll look to see if there's anything in the API that would allow it. If there is, I may be able to add it to the plugin for the next release.

Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:56 am
by Steve Horn
Thanks, that would be a nice addition. Don't let its development get in the way of other more important enhancements.

Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:46 am
by ScottBot
I think it would be a nice feature too. I could probably use it myself. However, my initial research into finding out how to get that information back from WinAmp wasn't too optimistic.

Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:33 pm
by roussell
I do this now with a little script and a winamp plugin called WinampCOM

Here is the script that I use:

Code: Select all

set oWinCom = CreateObject("WinampCOM.Application")
SetPropertyValue "Gazebo Music.Song Title", oWinCom.SongTitle(0)
set oWinCom = nothing
I run the script to update the property every 5 seconds when the "Gazebo Music" window is active.

BTW, I asked the same question almost a full year ago. Shame on me for not going back and posting my solution...
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=856000&p=446240&hil ... mp#p446240


Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:45 pm
by Steve Horn
Terry, let me see if I have this straight:
1) download and install winampcom.dll (...somewhere - probably in the Winamp folder)
2) winampcom works with an existing Winamp app to allow basic interfacing via an external program (i.e. HB)
3) create the script you listed and tie it's status (stopped/running) to any active use by HB of Winamp (for internet radio, shoutcast, CD playlists etc.)
4) Not sure what your Gazebo Music is. A HB device?

BTW, shame on me for not searching this forum for any earlier posts relating to this. :oops:

Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:09 pm
by roussell
You got it. Gazebo Music is the name for the winamp device. I created a few extra properties in that device, one of which being the Song Title property. I have a task that wakes up every 5 seconds, checks to see if a swremote has the panel open for the Gazebo Music, and if so executes the script. It's pretty much flawless, I can't remember a problem with it since being in place almost a year now.

As far as the plugin installation, I think it's just dropped into the plugins folder for the winamp instance. The details should be on the website along with the opther options available and a few examples (most in javascript though).

I'm out of the country at the moment (middle of a South American jungle on a sat. modem to be exact) so I don't have a reliable connection back to my HB server but when I return home this weekend, I can post additional details with examples if needed.


Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:22 pm
by markd
Just found this thread- 1 question (since I am at work and not playing around with it at home already ;-) - can this plugin handle multiple instances of winamp?



Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:31 pm
by roussell
Yeah, that's how I use it. It goes in the plugin folder of each WinAmp instance and works fine. I use it in conjunction with the KX Project drivers to get multiple independent channels from one 6.1 Sound Blaster card.


Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:22 pm
by markd
Hi Terry-

I am using m-audio cards with regular drivers to get my multi outs. . . that kX driver sounds good though- I need another couple of channels, and I have a SB card kicking around... might work out perfect!!!

Do you change the "WinampCOM.application" argument to specify which instance?



Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:06 pm
by markd
SetPropertyValue "Gazebo Music.Song Title", oWinCom.SongTitle(0)

Ok, now that I'm playing with it, it looks like it is the (0) on the end that selects the instance.

Unfortunately, when I run the timer and script, it crashes Housebot!

Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:22 am
by roussell
Hmm, While I had tested it with multiple instances, it seems as though I never had more than one going at one time (small family, small house, same interest in music)- I'm seeing problems with this too. Refer to the following post where I explain how to do the same thing with the DoSomething plugin. It works well with multiple instances and "pushes" the updates to HB so it doesn't require a timer/task to update.



Re: Winamp Device - Property for current stream

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:40 pm
by markd
Hi Terry-

Thanks for the fix- I had just barely started to look at a couple of alternatives. I'll try this tonight!
