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Export/Inport Problems

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:42 pm
by bryan
I'm having a problem creating exports and successfully importing. I create the export, drop it onto the housebot icon of the destination system, it goes through the process of reading the file, and reports a restart is necessary. However, when I restart, I don't get a prompt asking me if I want to complete the import (now, later, never) as I used to. Now, I immediately get an error reporting that configExport.xml couldn't be found. My import isn't named this, and the xml file for the import is included in the export package.

I've reinstalled the destination system from a backup, and rebuilt the export on the source system serveral times, all without success. Any ideas?


Re: Export/Inport Problems

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:18 am
by ScottBot
If you want to send me the export file, I can take a look at it.

Otherwise, try deleting everything in your \HouseBot\Config\Import directory and placing the .hbx file there. Then restart HouseBot and see if it behaves the same.

ConfigExport.xml is the main file in the archive/hbx that defines everything in the import. You can open the .hbx file with any ZIP archive viewer and maybe see if you can determine if it is missing.