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Double Precision Numbers and Task Evaluation

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:31 pm
by Osler

Can tasks evaluate a double precision number? I have a property value (alphnum) set by a script where the variable in the script is double precision. If I use a task to evaluate if the value is greater than, say 0.250, the task never executes even if the value is above this number. Should I mutliply these numbers by 100 and convert them to integers prior to populating a property in HB? I have to use double precision to arrive at the number because it is calculated from other similarly small values.


Re: Double Precision Numbers and Task Evaluation

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:12 am
by ScottBot
Alphanumeric properties are cast to integers when comparing, so you will lose the decimal during the test. If you use a numeric property value, it should work.