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Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:34 pm
by Deane Johnson
Wondering if the iPad is adaptable as a touch screen, or is it clear out of the running with HouseBot? Anyone thought about it?

Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:33 pm
by roussell
I know there's a lot of people that don't care for it because it won't come with hdmi, camera, foot-massager, lips, etc... but I for one can't wait to get one. I love using my iPhone as a remote using iRdesktop (free from app store) to a remote desktop session on the HB server, I only long for a large screen - which the iPad will provide. I expect the iPad will function the same with iRdesktop. While I would love a native iPad/iPhone/iTouch interface, I don't know if it's on Scott's radar and I have to admit, the iRdesktop solution works so well that I or the wife really don't notice the difference.

I like the simple, uncluttered clean lines of the iPad. It looks better than high-end HA touchscreen that can only act as an interface to an expensive AMX/Crestron system, plus the iPad can do a lot more.


Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:50 pm
by Deane Johnson
I read somewhere that only apps approved by Apple and downloaded from the Apple store will run on it. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know exactly what that means, if true, but it sounds like a deal killer.

Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:17 pm
by roussell
That's true, but it's no different from the iPhone/iTouch, and it hasn't seemed to kill those deals too much. Some don't like it, but it's never bothered me. As someone who's been bitten by some of the trash that gets passed around by Windows Mobile developers, it's nice to me that Apple reviews code prior to qualifying it for general consumption. And yeah, they refuse some apps that I wouldn't want my kids to have or apps that may directly compete with their own products and/or hurt their bottom-line but that's just good business sense imho. I know it's different for everybody, and yes I am a certified Apple fan-boy, but I really don't know what the big deal is about and the general hatred for the app store. As an occasional iApp developer, I appreciate the fact that I'm given a world-wide stage to sell (or give away) any app that I develop for the platform. Apple handles everything, reviews the code for any show-stoppers, handles the money and only asks for a one-time $99 and 30% off the top of anything I may choose to sell. That means that I don't have to maintain a store front, auth. credit cards, or any of the other hassles that keep me or developers that I may contract through from our core-duty - producing product. Like I said, I know not everyone feels this way, but for me it's a no-brainer.


Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:49 am
by Deane Johnson
I don't have an opinion of the Apple store, one way or another. I just wonder if someone like Scott would have to run an app through the Apple store, and would he want to. Same for other companies. Would they want to, or would they just sit it out leaving us having to go some other route for a couch table.

I don't even know if the iPad makes any sense for Housebot at all. I'm following these forums as closely as I can just to try and learn.

One of the reasons I'm turned off by HomeSeer is that every time you want add something, it's get out your checkbook.

Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:39 pm
by roussell
Yeah, if Scott wanted to release a legal app (one for a non-hacked device) he would have to either run it through the app store or create a web-based app. The web-based app could be pretty nice with the html5 tricks that are available these days. That would require a web-server on HB too though of course. If he went though the app store he'd have the option of charging for the app (he sets the price, Apple takes 30% of the profits) or giving it away. A developer has to pay $99 USD either way to earn the rights to deploy apps. That fee is paid one time, not per app deployed.

The nice thing is that any app-store app that now runs on the iPhone/iTouch will run on the iPad without modification. To take full advantage of the iPads larger screen (1024x768) app's will need to be re-compiled specifically for the platform. Scott has expressed an interest before, but he would need to either purchase a Mac to develop on, or partner with somebody who already does that sort of thing.

If you get/have an iDevice, try the method I posted here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=856513 as it really does work very well. I have a modified version of the code that I will be releasing at some point that tailors the experience more towards swremotes. I'll probably wait until the iPad is out though so I can test with both.

Also, someone here did release a simple app for the iphone and HB. It's called Puppeteer and was one time fee-based but I think it's free. It doesn't have the swremote look and is more iPhone-style text based but works well if you need to quickly turn something on and off.

I know what you mean about Homeseer, that's a huge turn-off for me too. Plus, I tried their iPhone app and a trial install of Homeseer and didn't like the way you had to deploy the touch interface to the device (any device, not just the iPhone). Scott's method is so much simpler - just get the exe on the device and then point it to the correct server/theme.


Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:47 pm
by Deane Johnson
There are so many tablets coming out in 2010, it's probably going to be prudent to wait until the dust settles a bit before investing very much.

Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:54 pm
by roussell
That's probably true. One thing Apple does well is to create a buzz and shake up the market. I would imagine that there will be several iPad competitors come out of the woodwork in the next 12 months. Good news for those of us that can't get enough toys...


Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:58 pm
by Deane Johnson
I agree, if Apple does nothing but stir up development in the marketplace, it will be worthwhile.

My problem is that I'm not knowledgeable enough to make judgments, only to ask a few shallow questions. I have to watch you smart guys to learn what to do.

Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:24 pm
by roussell
The wisest always have more questions than answers Deane. :wink:


Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:53 pm
by Deane Johnson
Terry, I believe you've posted over on Cocoontech as being interested in the used touch screens. What is your thinking on those relative to Housebot. At the price he's asking, it's not very risky. Are you thinking they will work?

Maybe I should ask that a different way. Are you thinking they will work as a couch tablet type remote, with an AC cord at least, and located on a stand, perhaps on the coffee table or a side table?

Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:16 pm
by markd
Hey Deane-

I'm watching that post too. I'm running SW remotes on old Intermec 5055B's that I think are even less capable. I think this thing will run a remote just fine. Waiting to see what the full specs are though, esp screen size.


Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:21 pm
by roussell
Yeah I was watching it and may end up getting one. I thought it was smaller though - like maybe 10-12 inches, but I believe that's it's actually 15 which may be too large for my application. HB Swremotes should have no trouble at all on that platform.


Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:02 pm
by markd
15 is big for a wall mount, but I think for recipes and browsing in the kitchen it could be ideal. He seems to have gotten a little quiet though. Watch, he'll only be able to get 5. Should be a good fight. ;-)

Re: Will the iPad have any application as a couch tablet?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:47 pm
by spike5884
roussell wrote: The web-based app could be pretty nice with the html5 tricks that are available these days. That would require a web-server on HB too though of course.
I second this option. This is what Google is doing to get gVoice on the iPhone when Apple denied their app. It makes a lot more sense. Going this direction means HB could then support any html5 compliant browser. So, with one shot, a browser based SWRemote could be used on iPhone, iPad, Android (I have a Droid), and so on.