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Easiest way to send mail

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:33 pm
by jhoski
What is the easiest and best mail service to use with the SMTP device. I notice it has no way to change ports, use SSL, etc. so I don't imagine it works with very many services. What are folks using?
Thanks, Jay

Re: Easiest way to send mail

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:46 pm
by Osler
Try the ostrosoft component and add an email account to your current ISP.

Code: Select all

Option Explicit 


Set oSMTP = CreateObject("OSSMTP.SMTPSession") 

oSMTP.Server = "" 'SMTP server name or IP address
oSMTP.POPServer = "" 
oSMTP.Port = 25 
oSMTP.MailFrom = "HouseBot [email protected]" 'sender e-mail address 
oSMTP.SendTo = "[email protected]" 'recipient e-mail address 
oSMTP.AuthenticationType = 1 '0 = AuthNone, 1 = AuthPOP, 2 = AuthLogin, 3 = AuthPlain 
oSMTP.Username = "HouseBot Server" 'name for mailserver authentication 
oSMTP.Password= "mypwd" 'password for mailserver authentication 
oSMTP.MessageSubject = "mySubject" 'message subject or use GetPropertyValue(".MySubject") to retrieve a property from HB 
oSMTP.MessageText = GetPropertyValue("myDevice.myProperty") 'message text or use GetPropertyValue(".MyText") to retrieve a property from HB 
oSMTP.RaiseError = True 


Set oSMTP = Nothing

Re: Easiest way to send mail

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:47 am
by Richard Naninck
any way to send an attachment as well using ostrosoft?
I use OSPOP3 for receiving emails but use a different form for sending emails. HouseBot can't send attachments so I had to look for another way to send a doorbell picture to my iPhone.

Re: Easiest way to send mail

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:56 am
by jhoski
Looks like there is a newer version of this software called OSSMTP_Plus that handles SSL, attachments, and some other stuff.

I have not had any luck with the SSL stuff using my normal gmail accounts or the yahoo plus accounts that need SSL.
I did get it to work with the old yahoo smtp servers on port 25.
I guess thats what I'll use for now.

Re: Easiest way to send mail

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:20 pm
by edgar
I use a command line program called POSTIE.

The free version has some limitations but works well. I have been using it for years.



Re: Easiest way to send mail

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:25 am
by Richard Naninck
I use this:

Code: Select all

Dim iMsg
Dim iConf
Dim Flds

Const cdoSendUsingMethod = ""
Const cdoSendUsingPort   = 2
Const cdoSMTPServer      = ""

	Set iMsg    = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
	Set iConf   = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
	Set Flds    = iConf.Fields
	With Flds
		.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
		.Item(cdoSMTPServer)      = GetPropertyValue("EMail.Account0 Server")
	End With
'------------- Do your thing here...

	With iMsg
    	    Set .Configuration = iConf
		.To            = GetPropertyValue("EMail.Account0 User")
		.From          = GetPropertyValue("EMail.Account0 User")
		.Subject       = "Deurbel"
		.TextBody      = ""
		.AddAttachment Image
	End With
	Set Flds    = Nothing
	Set iConf   = Nothing
	Set iMsg    = Nothing