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Recover Old Meedio Stuff???

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:43 pm
by spike5884
I upgraded from the Meedio version to the CeBotics version awhile go. If I remember correctly things did not come over cleanly, if at all. Its has been so long the details are fuzzy. Anyways. I noticed under the old Meedio install folder structure there are some Themes I was playing with that I would like to play with again. I tried staring up the old Meedio version and got error message about version difference between program and db. I even played with the Registry. Got to the point where the CeBotics HB was screwed up and had to re-install it. So, that avenue does not seem like an option. Just copying the files over did not work either.

Any thoughts on how I can get to the old themes into the new CeBotics HB?

Re: Recover Old Meedio Stuff???

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:51 pm
by Osler
Dunno. I recall issues with the file structure but it's been a while. Perhaps, Scott can chime in re: importing Meedio themes.


Re: Recover Old Meedio Stuff???

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:35 pm
by ScottBot
If you have re-installed the non-Meedio version and the new version seems to be working correctly (minus the themes), you should be able to just copy the theme files from the old Meedio installation directory into the equivalent directory in \HouseBot\Config\Themes.

There were some registry changes between the two products, and the HouseBot server should take care of renaming the old keys to make them valid with the new version.

Re: Recover Old Meedio Stuff???

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:11 pm
by spike5884
I had already tried just plain copying the stuff over in the Themes folder without that working. Not wanting to be beat by this and with the words of encouragement from Scott, I thought I would try again.

I had a thought that the 'link' between the xml file in the folder was missing from the HB database. So, I added a Theme to HB with the same name as the xml file. This 'cleared' the xml file, but all I had to do was copy the file over from the old Meedio Themes folder and I had SUCCESS.