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Windows Home Server

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:53 pm
by Andy R
Hi all,
I played with HouseBot (and consequently bought the siftware) with a wifi rfxcom unit last year from a laptop and have now bought an Acer home server (running Windows Home Server OS) and wondered if anyone has any hints and tips using this os before I take the plunge and install HouseBot. I think it is time to get my home up and running!!
I assume there is no WHS add-in for Housebot?
Any help gratefully accepted.
Thanks in advance.

Re: Windows Home Server

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:22 pm
by Osler
I ran HouseBot briefly on WHS and didn't encounter any issues. I know there is at least one person running HouseBot full time on WHS and hopefully they will chime in. IMO, it is a perfect solution but haven't added HouseBot to my WHS because I run SageTV on it and if I, in any way, distrupt TV distribution my wife will kill me.

The only issue you have to lookout for is driver compatibility, but this usually isn't a big problem.


Re: Windows Home Server

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:18 am
by raptor_demon

I run Housebot on my WHS 24/7. I have had no WHS issues. One thing to remeber is housebot does not normally run as a service so you will need to login to remote desktop to run it up.

Be careful not to run too many apps on low powered WHS systems as it will quickly run out of processing power. I run Housebot, and squeezebox server without issue but SQL2005 was a bit heavy and i had issues.

2 tips i would have is:

Run an automatic restart script such as this one:

that way if it crashes it will restart automatically.

the other tip is the automatic update, it is set out the box to updawte automatically which is great except it will reboot on its own and fail to restart housebot.

Hope this helps

Re: Windows Home Server

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:13 pm
by roussell
If you don't mind storing your password in plain text in the registry, you can auto-login by doing the following:

Start --> Run

Type regedit and hit enter.

Go here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --> SOFTWARE --> Microsoft --> Windows NT --> Current Version --> Winlogon.

1. Double click "AutoAdminLogon" and change the 0 to a 1 then hit OK.
2. Right click in a blank area of the window and select "New" > "String Value" then name it "DefaultPassword" without the quotes.
3. Double click DefaultPassword and fill it in with your homeserver administrator password.

Reboot to try it out, it should auto-log in to the console.

On XP I use the TweakUI XP powertoy which has an option for doing the same thing but encrypts the password. I don't know if there is a version of that for WHS or if the XP version might run on WHS but it might be worth a try if you're concerned about storing your password in cleartext.
