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OT: Different iPad apps vs. HB

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:39 am
by yaccri
There are a few iPad smarthome apps today. They look nice, and the programming seems quick and easy.

For those who experienced with iPad smarthome apps like Iridium, iDomintell, MyHome etc.:

What do you think are the main advantages of using HB rather than these apps?
Is it the high level of customization in HB that makes the difference?
Is it the almost unlimited capabilities of HB?

Re: OT: Different iPad apps vs. HB

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:23 pm
by Timoh
Since it doesn't look like there are any experienced users with those apps, I'll give my un-experienced thoughts.

For the three apps you have listed, they all seem to be closely paired with a hardware solution from the same vendor. I didn't poke around to find pricing, but I find as soon as you get into proprietary systems, the cost usually goes up.

The main advantage of HB vs these other systems is cost and open-ness. HB is usually a very good $ deal when compared to other systems The trade-off in the case of other systems, means users have to do more work themselves with HB. Whereas in a more expensive system and end-to-end provider, you pay more, but have less work to do yourself.


Re: OT: Different iPad apps vs. HB

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:28 pm
by Richard Naninck
HB would count as THE single app to rule them all.
LG, Onkyo, HVAC systems and even cars are getting their own apps now. If you want to control your home through these apps you would be swapping apps for every different vendor that manufactured the hardware. HB just combines all your hardware and soft devices into one package and can be controlled through the SWRemote. If only HB had remotes for iDevices and Android :wink: