Echo/Alexa Related: Ability to Duplicate Devices
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:05 pm
It would be helpful, although not life altering, if a device could be "duplicated" similar to how Tasks are - By appending a numerical suffix to the newly created device. With Echo/Alexa/HB only having the ability to name a Execute Task Device (ETD) one name (either its name or an Alias) that is recognized by Alexa, I have found it useful to create essentially duplicate ETDs that trigger the same tasks but are named differently than the "sibling". Example: An ETD named "TV" and another named "Kitchen TV" trigger the same On/Off tasks but either name can be used to summon Alexa. The ability to replicate ETD devices would speed up the process of creating the "alias" device, as only the name would need to be changed from "TV-2" to "Kitchen TV" in this example.