To address HouseBot, always start with Ok Google...
Google Assistant can control any HouseBot Device, Task*, or Mode.
Speak very clearly so Google Assistant can understand every word. Also, it might be helpful to name your HouseBot Devices, Tasks*, and Modes using words that are easier for Google Assistant to understand. If having problems, see Improving Google Assistant Recognition below.
If devices are added or deleted from HouseBot, tell Google Home to "Sync My Devices" to update the device list in Google Home.
(*)Tasks are controlled with the Execute Task HouseBot Device. For more information on this Device, see Execute Task Device below.
Google Assistant is good at turning things ON and OFF, but doesn't know how to EXECUTE something like a Task. One way to work around this and be able to execute your HouseBot Tasks is to use the new Execute Task Device. This Device will allow you to setup a Task for the ON action and OFF action of the Device. For example, if you have a Task to Play DVD and another to Shutdown Entertainment System, you can create an Execute Task Device and setup these two Tasks as the ON and OFF actions for the [DVD] Device. Then all you need to do is say:
Sometimes, due to the names that were chosen for Devices and Modes when setting up your HouseBot configuration, Google Assistant has a hard time matching the spoken name to the name configured in HouseBot. Sometimes it's just easier to speak a simpler term for something rather than a more verbose name that was used to create the item in HouseBot. For these cases, it is easy to setup an alias that will be used as the Device or Mode name instead. Aliases are simply alternate names for Devices and Modes that are returned to Google Assistant during the device discovery phase. The HouseBot online help has specific information on how to setup Aliases.