E N H A N C E M E N T R E Q U E S T ...

Have an idea for a new feature? Voice your opinion here.
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E N H A N C E M E N T R E Q U E S T ...

Post by wallebalboa »

Hello deevelopers...

It has lately been no or little response to the Feature Requests here on the forum. ( 2.22 included alot of user requested enhancements, good...)

I really like Housebot and start to use it in "production" at home. There is still alot of functionality that could make this software alot better. To make it easy i have summarized some of the most recently requested enhancements from the "self apointed product definition team".


- Mode group ( ex. group seasons in one group or security modes in one group)

- Mode Comments

- Mode condition in “mode header” ( no need for tasks setting when its summer or if its cold, the mode condition will handle this by it self)

Tasks (script)

- Better (and more stable) clickable task setup tool ( take a look at outlook rules) this must be useful for more family members

- Possibility to replace “task statement” with script ( easy to find and organize rules ( both tasks and scripts in same folder…)

- Repeating Tasks , easy way to set a task running every 100ms , 1h or once a day.

- Test %%device.value%% for change in taskconditions

“List view”

- display comments in list ( add comments to modes, software remotes and themes)

- list view remember last sorting rules


- Notice if connection with server is lost

- Notice if newer theme is available

- Notice if newer version of SWremote.exe is available

- Easy way of playing a sound at a SWremote from the server (with out opening a panel) ( support for .mp3 sounds)

GUI and GUI editor

- separate GUI editor and “HB runtime” (GUI editor makes HB to crash to often)

- More controls, ex. gauge in “meter” format

- rotate or move a control (picture) based on a property value

- Control is selected after been pasted

- Controls grouped together , (move and copy together) Easy way to replace property for a whole group

- Button have two different pictures for pushed and not pushed representation ( not one picture with views side by side)

- Possibility to “format” property label, ex. Numeric as ##.# gives 05.3 or 15.0

- Graf & plot control , simple plot control to view ex. a temperature change the last 24h ( could be just for viewing, no db or log access just local SWremote, but preferable access a log file or a db)


- log event time in time format as in “Program Options – Time & Date Format”

- Not possible to delete error log…

pls let me know if you add any of this to the release schedule

if you have any questions or comments to above let me know.

and pls reply that there is a next release (soon)

Users: let the meedio team know if any of this is functionality you want implemented

regs walle
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Post by ScottBot »

All great ideas.

I'd suggest you rank these features and submit them into the Meedio support system (support.meedio.com).
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Post by yaccri »

Good ideas.

My topmost request is for supporting two USB-UIRTs - ASAP.

I would also like to be able to mark-out task lines
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Post by talisman »

Hot Keys/Jump-To's

Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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Post by dlmorgan999 »

talisman: I don't understand what you are asking for in your enhancement request. Could you please elaborate a bit?
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Post by talisman »

hot keys, so you can assign certain keys ie CTRL + 5 = run task 1

or CTRL+6 = device 4 = state dim, etc.

hope you get what i mean
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Post by wallebalboa »

nice to see scott back with energy...

we fully support you!

all of the request are "nice to have features" exept the lost contact with SWremote issue wich is a "show stopper". ( it will show "old date and time" and will not show "alarms") a "lost connection message box" would do fine for now....

talisman: hot keys: for me it would be ok with a possibility to adress a keyboard command to each button on active panel... this would make it possible to replace a touch screen with a "side keyboard" is that ok for you?

scott & meedio guys: this support.meedio.com thing, what do you really mean? is this forum not the right forum for enhancements? when i go to support.meedio.com it has a link to this forum... how do i do to issue a enhancement request?

i am not a totally newbee to software development, how many seats do we need to buy to get it done? pls issue a seatcount for each enhancement.

kind regs walle
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Post by talisman »

currently my probs have been solved by sending commands thru Meedio Essentials, but would be good if hot keys/jump points/ keyboard commands were available within HB instead or a link between Essentials to HB
Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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Post by ScottBot »

wallebalboa wrote:scott & meedio guys: this support.meedio.com thing, what do you really mean? is this forum not the right forum for enhancements? when i go to support.meedio.com it has a link to this forum... how do i do to issue a enhancement request?
I don't actually work for Meedio, so it may not be the Meedio endorsed method for doing this. However, these forums are really community forums, and not necessarily support forums.... meaning that it's for users to help each other and maybe the Meedio guys will chime in if they happen to read the post.

When it comes to HouseBot, it's probably best to open a support ticket (at support.meedio.com), even for product enhancement requests. Their response to the ticket may be "Thanks, we'll keep that in mind", but at least you know they have seen and hopefully noted your requests. The support system is setup so tickets have to have some form of acknowledgment from them so it will definitely make it on the radar (and hopefully not shot down :wink: )
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Post by wallebalboa »


If this is not the forum for enhancement request, it might be a good thing to change the header and the "read this before posting" instructions... :roll:

My intention was only to bring a user point of view to the enhancement list. I really hope the next release can adress as many user driven enhancements as the last... i will drop the most important issues on support tickets...

regs Walle

"Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:10 pm Post subject: Please read before posting


This forum is to post suggestions for new features and enhancements to Meedio HouseBot. Please submit requests for technical support through the Meedio Support Center:

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Post by pablo »

This is the correct place to post feature requests. We don't necessarily respond to posts here, but we always read them and take every request into account when creating development roadmaps.

You have the option of submitting feature requests to our support system, but we don't encourage that since this is a better record for these things - and we see other people's feedback on the requests here.
the Pablo
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Post by talisman »

Actually another thing that would be good.

If you have HB running in system tray (and forget liek i do) and you click on the launch buton again for HB it tells you there is already an instance running.

Can this be changed at all sothat it would know this and just bring HB to the screen out of the system tray, without telling you Hey Stupid im already Running, look in your tray!!!! :lol:
Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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Post by yaccri »

Talisman, I like the idea, but with the following in mind:

Sometimes it is important that the user will *NOT* have access to the HB server. At least, not with an easy simple click.

Please allow the server to run hidden, or require a password when retrieved from the system tray.
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Post by talisman »

That could be an Option additional to mine, like extra setup. Id not want a password personally, but i can imagine a lot of people like yourself would. so good point.
Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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Post by yaccri »


In some installations blocking the access to the HB server is required, while in others it is not. I need the option to limit access to the server.
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