New Insteon Plugins

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New Insteon Plugins

Post by ScottBot »

Click here to download the latest version of the HouseBot Insteon plugins.

Important Note: HouseBot will need to be installed in the new CeBotics locations for this plugin to install correctly. See this postfor more information on upgrading if running the old Meedio version.

Changes to this new version include:
  • X10 Support for PowerLinc V2 Hardware Interface. X10 support is provided through the existing HouseBot X10 Devices. The level of X10 support currently supports all basic on/off commands (2-way also). X10 Preset Dim is also supported (2-way). Leviton direct dimming is NOT currently supported.
  • Group device no longer includes 'Dim' Property. Existing Group Devices should be deleted and recreated.
  • Updated online help.
  • Many minor bug fixes.
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Lots of errors

Post by Dreamstriker »

Hi Scott-- sounds like you've been working hard on this.

I downloaded the Insteon Plugins, but I'm having some problems.

I have Cebotics Housebot 2.3 installed in C:\Program Files\Housebot and not in the Meedio subdir's.

The first time I tried to run the new plug-in installer, I got an error because I was running the SWRemote, still. But I noticed that it was trying to install to the Meedio directories. I shut down the SWRemote and it seemed to install properly, but...

When I start Housebot now (I tried both the 2.22 in the meedio and the 2.3 in the housebot directory) I get a string of errors.

Assertion Failed Trace Section 'Task Block generated and assertion, File: <C:\HB\Development\ServerFrame\TaskBlock.cpp> Line <159>, Unble [sic] to find propert. Device ID = [11], Property ID = [36]

The Device and property change with the errors.

It also says that it is "Unable to find stock device with name [Insteon Switch Device] etc...."

When I get into Housebot by ignoring all this, I try to add a Hardware Interface and I am able to see a USB PowerLinc X10 Hardware Module, but no insteon options. If I install this interface, then I am unable to Enable the device.

I tried copying the files from the Meedio Housebot Directories to the new directory, but that didn't help either.

Any ideas? Let me know if I can send you any more information...I hope I am doing the right things.

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Post by ScottBot »

Did you have the old Insteon plugins installed before trying to install the new ones?

It sounds like the plugins did not get installed to the correct directory for some reason. Almost like your HouseBot setup is pointing to an older Meedio path or something. I'm not sure why you would get any kind of error associated with running the SWRemote. What was the error message?
I try to add a Hardware Interface and I am able to see a USB PowerLinc X10 Hardware Module, but no Insteon options. If I install this interface, then I am unable to Enable the device.
This is NOT the Insteon enabled plugin. You need to install the PowerLinc V2 Insteon Hardware Interface if you have the V2 powerlinc.
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Post by Dreamstriker »

Tried another approach:
I didn't have too much configuration that I couldn't reproduce I uninstalled both old and current versions, cleaned the registry and reinstalled the new version 2.3. I do not get any of the missing device errors like before-- so that's good.

I could not install the old insteon driver, since it looks to install to the Meedio Housebot directory, and that doesn't exist now. The plugin installer says that Housebot isn't installed.

When I reinstalled housebot, I get a clean initial page, but no support for Insteon, even though I ran the latest plug-in. When I run the plug-in installer, though, it seems to skip a lot of the files. I am only able to see a few of them since the window won't scroll because the "setup complete" window has focus. But I can see that the output directories for the Interface Map and the Help files is correct, but it skips all the files...
I only assume that it skips all the other files too.

When I start housebot, no errors, but no option to add the Powerlinc V2 Interface either... hmm...

btw-- the SWRemote error was just a file sharing error because the SWRemote was running, the installer couldn't overwrite the SDM file. Once I stopped the SWRemote, it installed the file.

Thanks again for any assistance.
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Post by ScottBot »

It sounds like there's still something messed up in the registry. I've uploaded a new version, so download it first.

The new setup will NOT dismiss the file copy status window automatically, so you can look to see where and what is being installed. This may help.

To look into it further on the registry side, see what is set for your HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CeBotics\HouseBot\General Settings\Root Application Directory
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new insteon plugin

Post by tjm000 »

I'm also having some problems with the latest version of the plugin. Previously, I had the initial version working (on a different pc) but now whenever I startup HB on my main home auto pc I get the following error messages in the log:

Apr 30 2006,11:06:26AM,System Monitor,Error,"Unable to load Hardware DLL Module [C:\Program Files\HouseBot\Plugins\Interfaces\PowerLincV2.dll]. Error = [The specified module could not be found.
Apr 30 2006,11:06:27AM,System Monitor,Error,"Unable to load Device DLL Module [C:\Program Files\HouseBot\Plugins\Devices\Insteon.dll]. Error = [The specified module could not be found.

But the two files are in the plugin directory. I even downloaded the updated version of the plugin, but no luck. Here are some other facts about my configuration:

1) I did not have the older plugin loaded on my main home auto pc. I had just tried it out with my laptop. This time I figured that I would install it on my main home auto pc (older hp pc) because I was going to ditch the cm11a that I have on it. So I don't know if the older version of the plugin worked on my main home auto pc.

2) I did update to the latest version (2.30) of HB, and everything else seems to be OK, ie. it can still control the x10 lights, et al with the cm11a.

3) Originally I installed over top of the meedio version, but when I had this problem I went and un-installed that version and then re-installed the new version of HB into its default directory.

If you need any other info about my setup, let me know and I'll try and get it.

I really want to use the new insteon plugin with x10 support...

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insteon plug-in -- again

Post by tjm000 »


My "Root Application Directory" registry key is set to:

C:\Program Files\HouseBot\

which is what I would expect since when I re-installed I used the default installation directory instead of re-installing over the old meedio directory.

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Post by ScottBot »

Sorry about that. I'm still trying to get my build and release environment setup again, and I had some issues with the Insteon stuff.

I've found and corrected the problem. Please try and download again.
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insteon plugin

Post by tjm000 »

Looks good. X10 is now working. I have not tried the Insteon units, yet. I'll try and do some things with them this coming week.

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Post by Dreamstriker »

New plugin installed properly this time! Thanks.

I'm on the opposite side of TJM, my Insteon devices are working properly, but I can't seem to get any X10 commands out via the V2. No errors are noted when changing X10 state, though.

I haven't had too much time to play with this, so I'll keep working the X10 thing.

Any suggestions from anyone on how to employ the ControlLinc? I currently have it set up to control lighting directly-- I have a sneaky suspicion that I am significantly under-utilizing this component. Can I program buttons to do things like: Turn on a specific music stream? Start a program on the computer? Wash my car for me (j/k)? Things like that.

Additionally, I am a little confused on how to use the KeypadLinc to control events in Housebot... As an X10 device, can I assign an X10 code to a virtual device and then have that status change trigger another event? (Like Kitchen lights on and under-cabinet lights at the same time -- Insteon switch and X10 lamp module)

Thanks for any pointer to get me headed in the right direction with that!
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latest insteon plugin

Post by tjm000 »

I've tried a couple of insteon light modules and they are working OK from a basic on/off perpective. I have not tried to link them back to the powerlincv2 to see if they send back status. That's next.

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Post by ScottBot »

Dreamstriker wrote:I'm on the opposite side of TJM, my Insteon devices are working properly, but I can't seem to get any X10 commands out via the V2. No errors are noted when changing X10 state, though.
If you double-click on the Smarthome Device Manager in the Windows Task bar you will see a trace window. When you try and turn the X10 light on in HouseBot do you see something like PLC:sendx10=True... appear in the trace window?

Another thing to try is while HouseBot is running with the PowerLincV2 enabled (and the SDM in the task bar) start Internet Explorer and type the following in the address field.
http://localhost:9020/abc.txt?sendX10=P5,PON. Replace the P5,PON with your X10 address to control. This example will turn ON P5.
Any suggestions from anyone on how to employ the ControlLinc? I currently have it set up to control lighting directly-- I have a sneaky suspicion that I am significantly under-utilizing this component. Can I program buttons to do things like: Turn on a specific music stream? Start a program on the computer? Wash my car for me (j/k)? Things like that.
Once the ControLink is linked with the PowerLincV2, you can use the HouseBot Insteon Group Device to receive notifications when you press buttons on the ControlLinc. The notification will cause a Property Value change which you can use to drive HouseBot any way you want. Be sure to look over the online-help for both of the Insteon HouseBot devices, as they give some additional info about this.
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Post by Dreamstriker »

I get the PLC:sendX10=True,A1,AOFF when I command the light off from Housebot in the SDM log. It also registers the commands I send from the browser to port 9020 and places those commands in the log. No errors, but still no change in the light.

Perhaps there is a bridge I need between phases? I didn't start with an X10 system, my original switches were Insteon and I added this X10 switch later. Insteon works fine throughout the house. The ControlLinc can change the X10 switch, but not the V2. With this in mind, I'll try another switch on a different electrical phase.

Thanks for the insight into the controllinc functionality-- I must have had a conceptual error when reading the documentation. :p...<--drooling
Lead actor of "Kyle's Big Adventure"
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