It's finally time to let everyone kick the kat. For Christmas i am finally releasing MediaPro. It is a very large media toolkit that is still far from finished in terms of functionality. There are two parts - one is the actual plugin for HouseBot and the other is the application that maintains the database that the plugin uses. This separation was made for both ease of use and performance. Since it is the holidays, it will not be available for download until after Christmas. The download will be large - about 7 - 8 MB zipped. It contains the plugin and code and associates libraies as well as a skin and a import load to HouseBot complete with a sample theme. This sample is the easiest way to understand the functionality as the plugin has over 230 properties. There are three functional areas within the plugin -- generic media handling, songfinder and queueplayer. The next series of posts should contain images files starting with this one of the sample main panel
The main panel for multifilter is the same as for single filter processing but replaces the filter selection list box at the lower left with these two buttons
multifilterbuttons.jpg (6.13 KiB) Viewed 8712 times
For those who want a more visual presentation - either filter method can be set up to be used with the more graphic thumbnail presentation. This sample panel is also an example of set a property value on entering and existing a panel as well as the use of transparent buttons over dynamic bitmaps
Finally aalthough there are serveral other subpanels, you may have noticed buttons labeled copy song to queue or copy playlist to queue. these load selelcted song or playlist to the queueplayer
Right now there are a couple HB users who are helping me to ensure that the delivery next week is a bug free as possible. Although the plugin is major, the app that maintains the database is about 10 times as much code. Although the sample only shows DVD and CD under media, there is support in the app and the plugin for playlists, virtual playlists, PC video, LP, LD, SACD, DVD-A although for many of these getting data into the system is a manual process. the underlying structure could also support jpg/png images and slide show if there is a reasonable interest for this.