Alphalist questions

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Alphalist questions

Post by jkish »

I'm attempting to select items in an AlphaList via a script. Currently, I place a "*S-" + TAB on the front of the item I want selected in the list. This seems to cause the SW Remote to show that item selected - so far so good.

I also have a change property set up on the list in the remote to get the value of the current selection. If I click on any item in the list that I have not selected via the script (with the *S-), then the property correctly shows the value of the selected item. If I click on the script selected item, I get an empty string for the selected item value.

Is this normal or a bug?

Maybe this is related to the issue I saw raised recently that discussed being able to select an item in a list more than once without changing selections.
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

You can select an item only once while using the single click option. You have to click on a different item and reclick the wanted one to get a new reading in the single click value. However if you use HouseBot V3, you can get the selection into the double click value and then it will refresh any time. Not sure why single click won't refresh. I remember I discussed it once, but double click fixed it for me. There are also some simple workarounds. The value of the script selection is know upon first selection. So your script can store this selected value in a property. You can use a button (select selected) that triggers your script to do whatever it is you want to do on that same selection. I used that in my phone CID / Voicemail alphalist. Everybody who calls me shows up in an alphalist. The ones who actually leave a message are also in that list. Once I click on an entry in the list, the vmail starts playing. Obviously(for the same reason as described above) I could only play a vmail once. So I also put a button on the theme panel that triggered my script to play the vmail of the selected line. That worked pretty good and I really needed it when the list only contained one entry. With only one entry I could not select another caller and switch back to the vmail caller to play the vmail again.... still makes sense?
Anyhow, after V3 double click was introduced, I changed it so that vmail is played while double clicking and info is displayed while single clicking. The funny thing is that when a double click is done, a single click is alos processed. So now my info gets displayed all the time and the vmail only plays when I double click.

Done the same in my music script, email script, calendar script etc. Single click just displayes the info and double click handles one (and only one) function per alphalist.
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