Device Replicated properties

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Richard Naninck
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Device Replicated properties

Post by Richard Naninck »

Is it true that all replicated properties need to be unique even across devices? I just replicated 3 null devices and all 3 contain a property called Action. Only one device has that property and the other two gave an error. This happens on all double property names across devices. That limits my options a bit so I will have to figure out a way around it. Should be nice if different replicated devices can have properties of the same name.
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Post by ScottBot »

If I'm understanding what you are doing, you should be able to do this without a problem. I just tested it by replicating two different Null Devices from the same machine. Both using the same stock 'user defined' time property, and both having the same description for the property.

What is the error you are seeing when the devices fail to load?
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

For instance:

Unable to create a new property. Either the Name [Music Action] or Description [Action] already exists.

Unable to create property name [Music Action], description [Action] for Replicator Device Music

I give the Replicator the exact same name as the original.
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

ScottBot wrote:Both using the same stock 'user defined' time property, and both having the same description for the property.
Mine do have the same descriptions, but they are actually different properties.
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Post by ScottBot »

Richard Naninck wrote:Mine do have the same descriptions, but they are actually different properties.
That's what I don't get. You can't have different properties using the same names or descriptions (on the same machine). Or are these three different devices from three separate machines?
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

All different properties accross different devices on the same machine.
All replicators are from the same machine.
Did you check your email?
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Post by ScottBot »

I saw the email, but I still don't understand why this would be happening. Can you enable "* Server Interface" tracing from the 'Advanced' button under the tracing dialog and see if it spits out anything more helpful?
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

First I will try to make the Database property all the same to see what happens. Now I have a Movies Database and a Music Database. Then I strip the Movies and Music parts of the property leaving the Database word intact. The Null Device is called Movies so instead of setting Movies.Movies Database I go for Movies.Database. I created separate properties for all of my different devices all leading with the device name. That way they are grouped nicely in the property manager. I realize that I could actually go for only the property Database and link it to different Null devices, but it was until last year that I figured that one out. Too late. Maybe this makes any sense to you and even point you in the right direction.
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

I just tried the above with the Database property. I deleted the Movies Database and replaced it with the Music Database and renamed it to Database. Then the replicater both accepted music and movies Database.
I guess I have to look up all the duplicates and point them to the same properties to get this fixed. At least I now know what to do. Still strange though that on the server PC, all is fine and on the replicater I cannot do the same.
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

OK, traced the problem.

On the server I store for example: Now Playing Artist. Both for name and description. Then when this property is added to a null device, I strip the 'Now Playing' part as to leave the 'Artist' part. Now when replicating this device and while looking at the replicated Property manager, all I see is Artist and not Now Playing Artist. So my next replicated device containing an Artist as well, but stripped from lets say; Music Artist to Artist I see the problem because the Artist label is already in the property manager. Funny though.. when I look in the access database I see Now Playing Artist. So there is my conflict. It's a nasty one and I am not sure how to get this fixed easy. First off, I have to strip my replicate PC from all previously imported properties. Then search for duplicates and make them all point to the same Property Name. Then when changing my null devices for these properties, I also have to search all my theme buttons for these properties because they will be lost in the change.
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Post by ScottBot »

Richard Naninck wrote:..Then when this property is added to a null device, I strip the 'Now Playing' part as to leave the 'Artist' part.
I think this is where you are losing me. What do you mean by 'strip'? The property name and description are set when you create the property (name) and assign it to a device (description). How, exactly, are you stripping the property name/description and what does that mean?
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

In the attached example you see that the action property is called 'Alarm Status Action' but the Description is 'Action'. So I stripped the 'Alarm Status' part.
naamloos.JPG (52.33 KiB) Viewed 3564 times
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Post by ScottBot »

Ok... Now I understand the problem. It has to do with the fact that there are actually two different property 'descriptions' One is the default description assigned to the property, and the other is the description that you may have renamed it to once associated to a device.

When a replicated device is first creating/associating it's properties it uses the property name and description set at the Device. If it fails to associate (probably because it doesn't exist on the remote machine yet), it then tries to create a new property using the same property name and description. Unfortunately, it uses the description you gave at the device level, and not the default one assigned to the property. Since property names and descriptions have to be unique, this creates a problem.

You could probably just create the same properties on the remote machine using the exact name and description that you did on the host machine and then try and create the replicated devices.
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

I have just finished getting rid of duplicate names and introduced 'My Action', My DataBase' etc. I strip the My part, but all Null devices that are replicated now use the My properties. I had to redo lots and lots of panel buttons etc to get it done, but so far it's working. It defeats my idea of catagorizing properties though and I am in way too deep now to get my complete setup redone. Your idea however might work, but just came two hours late :wink:
I will have to sleep over this to see what my endstate will become.
Thanks for the time!
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

It appeared that I missed some duplicates and I tried it your way. Just create the unique name on the replicator side and that works as advertised. Makes sense now that I understand it. Too bad for me the answer came after all of my work. I don't think I will change it all back.
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