Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

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Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by roussell »

Hey Scott,
Just downloaded HouseBot_3.30.exe from the download page and when I try to install (upgrade) I get the following error dialog: "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program." This happens immediately after launching the exe.

I've downloaded and attempted the install (two a fresh install, on an upgrade) from three different computers with the same results.


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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by ScottBot »

I just verified the download, and I was able to successfully install it.

Could it be a virus scanner or something running on the machines that's corrupting it?
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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by roussell »

Hmm, possible I suppose, They all have the latest AVG free version on them so it could be that. The funny thing is that after I posted, I tried running another downloaded version on a Linux box under wine. Now, HB has never ran on Wine, but it will install. I got the same corrupt msg there too. I'll try downloading from work and sneaker-net it home to see if that makes a difference.

Thanks for checking, I'll post results later tonight.

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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by ScottBot »

And FYI, I use the free AVG too and it didn't corrupt the download.

If you continue to see the issue, I'll find another download link for you.
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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by roussell »

I think I just got it. I tried it from work - different PC/AV and internet connection. It took several attempts but I see now what the issue has been; the download was stopping before the file was complete. Over 4 attempts to retrieve the 22.8MB file; I got 2.7k, 10.2M, 15.8M, and finally the full 22.8M. Each time the download box just "went away" as if the file had completed downloading and left behind what seemed to be a normal exe on my desktop. Not sure if the client or the server was terminating the connection, but this was over two different ISPs and 4 PC that I saw similar behavior. I'm assuming I have a complete file now (23,910,846 bytes) and I was able to start the install. I canceled the install as I would surely be booted out on my rear if the IT Nazis caught HB on my work PC. I'll install when I get home but I'm expecting everything to be fine now. Thanks for the offer though Scott.

BTW, I tried IE 7.05730.11 and Firefox 3.0.3 at home and at work for all attempts. It was IE that eventually got it...

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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by ScottBot »

This release is larger than the last release (23k vs 18k), so maybe that is making matters worse. I've also moved to a new hosting provider, so there may be more tweaking on the server side.

I just looked through the server log and found that although there were many more successfully downloads, there were a number of "500 error" request for the EXE also. I'll do a bit more research and see if there's something I can do on my end.
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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by ScottBot »

I made a few tweaks at the server that may help this. Let me know if you are still seeing problems.
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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by roussell »

The successful download from work installed fine. For grins I tried to download the .exe again from home (Linux, Firefox 3) and it "finished" with only a 15.8M file size and the same corrupt error when trying to launch (as expected with that file size). Don't worry about it for me - as I said I've got the file now - but if anyone else reports a problem; then I can try downloading again to help you test.

P.S. I downloaded the the beta several times across several revisions and never had a problem. Not sure if it came from the same location as the final but thought that little tidbit might be helpful.


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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by ScottBot »

Can you try the downloads again (just made another change) and see if you have any luck?
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Re: Housebot_3.30.exe corrupt?

Post by roussell »

Yep, looks good. 3/3 successful on XP/IE6, 2003Server/IE7 and Apple Leopard 10.5.4/Safari 3.0.1

The only thing I noticed that is that the downloads seemed about half-speed as before - they all averaged around 30K/Sec and before they were about 65K/Sec. Not a huge deal, what good is a faster speed if it doesn't work, right? I was doing all of this on my home connection but remotely from work using VNC/RDP so that may have slowed it down. Whatever you did the last time, it looks like you got it.

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