Read a ContextID in a scrip

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Read a ContextID in a scrip

Post by cgrenzel »


Is there a way to get the Current Context ID in script?
I tried codes such as:

Variable = GetContextID
Variable = "" & ContextID & ""

with no success.

Richard Naninck
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Re: Read a ContextID in a scrip

Post by Richard Naninck »

As far as I know, you can't get the context in a script. The only context related command that can be used from a script is this:

Function: OpenRemotePanel

Opens the specified Panel on all Software Remotes.

Syntax ReturnCode = OpenRemotePanelAndSetContext( "Panel Name", "ContextID" )

Parameter1 Specifies the name of the Panel to open.
Parameter2 Specifies the name of the context ID to apply to the Panel that is being opened.
Return Value Currently, this function always returns True.
Sample OpenRemotePanelAndSetContext "Panel 1", "Living Room Context"
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Re: Read a ContextID in a scrip

Post by ScottBot »

Richard is right; you can't get the context id from a script (or any other way). Context is relative to a particular panel and since you can have multiple panels open at a time there is no one context to get.
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