Twitter Update Script Device

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Twitter Update Script Device

Post by roussell »

I've placed a script device export in the downloads area (pending approval) that will allow HouseBot to send updates to a Twitter account. Import the .hbx and you'll get a Twitter script device and a Twitter.vbs file in the Config\Scripts folder. Follow the instructions and start tweeting... :D

Here's a link to the file in the downloads area: ... witter.hbx

Last edited by roussell on Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Twitter Update Script Device

Post by ScottBot »

It's approved and now available in the Downloads section of the main site under the Configuration Imports tab.

Thanks for the contribution!
jacco van der Ven
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Re: Twitter Update Script Device

Post by jacco van der Ven »

This script is not working, I think because Twitter changes his login autorization is there another way to use Twitter in Housebot?

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Re: Twitter Update Script Device

Post by lostdreamer »

Twitter has moved from basic authentication to oAuth.
If you want I can create a new script later today, shouldnt be to hard.

jacco van der Ven
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Re: Twitter Update Script Device

Post by jacco van der Ven »

Well if you can, I will appreciate it.

Regards, Jacco
Posts: 54
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Re: Twitter Update Script Device

Post by lostdreamer »

in favor of creating a new plugin you could also use the SuperTweet service:

For this, you can setup oAuth between an account at supertweet and your account at twitter and use the old VBscript from the download section with the only adjustment being that you use the URL instead of

Seeing there are no examples for VBscript to do this, I would either go this way or go with PHP for this (seeing I allready have a webserver running as well).

jacco van der Ven
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Re: Twitter Update Script Device

Post by jacco van der Ven »

It is not working, I changed it in

REQUEST: /1/statuses/update.xml
ERROR: Internal error: null

Is this evertying what we have to replace?
jacco van der Ven
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Re: Twitter Update Script Devic

Post by jacco van der Ven »

Well, It is working now, used an other script, but that was also not working I had an errorcode 403
This means that I send duplicate message's. I changed the message and now It is working

strMessage = GetPropertyValue("System Time.Time")

Set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

objXML.Open "POST", _
"", _
False, _
strUserName, _

objXML.setRequestHeader _
"Content-Type", _
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded "

objXML.Send "status=" & strmessage
SetPropertyValue "Twitter.Returned", objxml.responsetext
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