When you click the theme you wish to edit, that pop up window containing the properties always pops up. Perhaps a checkbox to enable or disable that.
Input of other Codes, not just Pronto Hex. Perhaps the incorporation of a translation device.
Ability to open files from outside the main directory, or if this is a limitation, an option to copy the file to a directory housebot can use.
Ability to add values to predefined devices,ex. under Send IR command, you cannot add a new value. Also, multiple uses of the same template...finding a predfined template with all the functions you need is rough.
Winamp controls for : random, and for playing movies (i.e. fullscreen, etc.)
I think thats it thus far :) Great work you are doing Scott, thanks so much!
Various New Features
Re: Various New Features
To add a Property to a Device, right mouse click on the Device in the left tree view. Choose "Add Property...". There are a bunch of "User Definable" Properties that you can use for general stuff. If you want something specific with its own pre-defined Property Values, you can first create a custom Property using the Property Manager (from the main menu, select Settings/Property Manager...).MichaelK wrote:Ability to add values to predefined devices,ex. under Send IR command, you cannot add a new value. Also, multiple uses of the same template...finding a predfined template with all the functions you need is rough.