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Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:50 am
by Osler
EXCELLENT idea to minimize the polling, Victor! I hadn't even thought about polling only when TransportState = Play. I will add this to the script with an option to turn it off via a property value boolean.


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:44 am
by CouchPotatoe
Hi ... great news here, as these issues have been recurring for me too but I got a bit diverted onto another project, so I couldn't spend the time here. Anyway back, but still busy.

I may also revisit supporting this with a direct xAP-audio schema - as we previously touched upon...

Thanks for your continued excellent work and support here Osler... going to try the new version, will report back shortly..


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:02 am
by Osler

Nice to see you're still kicking across the pond. I'm glad you haven't moved my scripts to your nearest tip.

Find attached the latest script version. Thanks to the suggestion by Victor, I have put polling for track info back into the script but only when the transport value of the ZonePlayer is "Play". The version of the script I used for testing has been stable for the past 48 hours so I'm putting it out there for public consumption.

Additionally, I added a small tweak to the connection routine to ensure that the ZonePlayer object is actually connected before executing the rest of the script. The asynchronous find I switched to creates a thread outside of the script and the script was processing sometimes before the actual objects had been created via the other thread. The fix creates a slight delay in script start-up, but appears to work well overall. The benefit of the asynchronous find that is currently used is that the master script can receive callbacks from the external thread when a ZonePlayer drops off the network. This allows the master script to respond to that situation and do the stuff needed to reestablish a connection.


EDIT: Latest files moved to very first post.

Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:20 pm
by Osler
I have updated the help file so that all device properties have a description. The script itself is unchanged.

Also, I have noted that one of my ZonePlayers was reporting an Update Queue Error quite frequently. This ZonePlayer sits in an enclosure that gets quite hot and I think that the ZP was having some difficulty with UPnP requests as a result. A simple unplug/replug of the ZP without doing anything in HouseBot fixed this issue. This is just an FYI in case users start to see a similar error frequently.


EDIT: Latest files moved to very first post.

Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:23 pm
by Osler
A little video demonstrating my Sonos system integrated into HouseBot and the use of an Insteon Keypadlinc to control transport state on a ZonePlayer. ... _Sonos.wmv


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:07 pm
by vcruz777
I wanted to thank you for the great script. It has been working just perfect and I was able to integrate the panels shared by you to my Theme without a lot of effort. I am including two screenshots of how they look.

Thanks again,


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:14 pm
by Osler
Those look great, Victor! I am glad it is working for you. Let me know if you have any feature requests or little inconsistencies that irk you.


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:22 pm
by vcruz777
The only additional feature that will make it even more perfect would be to have the power search feature you have with the sonos handheld so you can browse the music library a little faster. Other than that I think its perfect.


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:47 pm
by Osler
That can be added fairly easily as it is exposed via the UPnP interface.

The other option is to actually cache your music in a seperate database external to the ZP. This would bypass the ZP altogether when searching for a song. It has something I had been considering because it would actually allow you to potentially browse your library by album art.


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:29 am
by RonX
The file is not available for download:
The selected attachment does not exist anymore.

The file ./../files/51429_12b9351527acf4e33e0d7beb3320458a does not exist.
Is something related to the forum? or the file was deleted? Could you please re-upload?


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:15 am
by ScottBot
It was something with the forums. Try it again, and let me know if you are still seeing problems.

Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:50 am
by Osler
Also notifications aren't working for PM's or for subscribed threads. Just an FYI.


Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:27 pm
by ScottBot
Osler wrote:Also notifications aren't working for PM's or for subscribed threads. Just an FYI.

Thanks for the tip. I think they're working now, and I'll keep an eye on it.

I moved to another hosting service a week ago, so there are still some lingering issues that I missed.

Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:54 pm
by vcruz777
Hey Osler,

Any plans with incorporating the music services like Rhapsody / Napster to the Sonos Script. Having that I won't even need to access my hard drive library any more.



Re: Calling Sonos users

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:59 pm
by Osler

That is another can of worms. Once I get the new radio services incorporated I think it will be easier to do the music services, as the data is queried in a similar format.

I have broken out the media services into a seperate device that keeps a database of all available tracks. It is in its infancy, but I had planned on releasing a basic version for power searching by album, artist, track with a realtime filter this weekend. The goal was to integrate the new radio features into this and, eventually, music services. Keep in mind, I do not use music services and listen to radio infrequently. As such I am quite happy with how things currently work. However, I know most aren't as banal as I and will try to incorporate these other features. The only problem is time...
