Code: Select all
Set Obj = CreateObject("HBControlMod.HBControl")
wscript.echo(Obj.Connect(1234, "", "pwd")) 'Connect to housebot
wscript.echo(Obj.GetDeviceList(" ")) '' Display all devices
Set Obj = Nothing
When you run the script if you get ...
ActiveX Component can't create object
This would mean that the HBControlMod.dll has not been correctly registered on the pc.
Would need to look into registering the dll again using regsvr32. Make sure you disable UAC while doing this.
Unable to connect to HouseBot server. Port = _...
This would mean that the HBControlMod.dll has been registered but is unable to connect to HouseBot.
Make sure you have an External Control device installed and the password and port match.
If the script works it should display all your devices. And I am really stuck for ideas of what's wrong.