Custom Volume Graphics

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Custom Volume Graphics

Post by MichaelK »

I'm finally getting the hang of the app, and I'm blown away at the power inherant with it. As my project wraps up...I'm wanting to customize the volume slider (both images). I'm wondering if there are any constraints as to the size of the slider and the size of the graph, so the slider can move incrementally up and down (or left and right) across the graph according to a value. In other words, a size ratio between the 2.


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Post by ScottBot »


There is no ratio between the two images. When you configure the slider, there is a setting for Value Bar Offset. This determines the number of pixels of margin at the top and bottom (or left and right) of the slider background to set the value bar when at minimum or maximum.

Determining the new value when changed by the slider is not dependent on the ratio of the images. It's really a simple calculation between the minimum and maximum values configured for the control and the length of the background image (minus the margins).

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Post by MichaelK »

Wow, Scott, you rawk, and the software rawks :)

Few more questions:

Is there a "random" function so it can randomly play music in a playlist while using you sample winamp configuration?

I also am having some problems playing music, i seem to get music to play, but when I stop it or shut down the remote, and restart it, i get no audio, even though the play button says its playing.

I then copied and pasted your winamp sample into my theme and remote, and i get the same result. Any thoughts? Thanks again!

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Post by ScottBot »


There's no random option on the playlist. I considered adding it at one time, but got caught up in designing a whole slew of different ways to sort and filter a list that I never did anything. I think random would be good. I'll add it to the list.

I'm not sure why you are losing your WinAmp audio. Check out the HouseBot server and the WinAmp application and see what state they are in.

There was a problem with the WinAmp sample configuration on the web site that was creating the WinAmp Device in such a way that none of the setting were persistent. So when you closed HouseBot, it would not restore the playlists and other properties. This doesn't sound like what you're seeing, but I thought I would mention it. I've fixed the sample configuration on the web site, just in case.

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Post by MichaelK »


When did you update the winamp config on the site? The one I'm using is the one I downloaded 2 weeks ago.

Now, I am running your sample config and the problems you described are occuring, when i close the remote and reopen it, the song that was last selected pops up, and pressing play doesnt seem to have any effect....and occationally the play/stop/pause buttons get out of sync. Which I could be more descriptive. Any thoughts?

Also, thanks for all your input to my queries and patience with my questions!

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Post by ScottBot »

I updated the WinAmp config sample a week ago, so you probably want to get the new one just to be sure.

When you press Play, do you see the A/V Status property change to Playing in the HouseBot WinAmp Device? Do you see the state of WinAmp change at all (like does it start to play and then stop?) Also, are there any error messages in the System Log or the Error Log?

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Post by MichaelK »

OK, did more troubleshooting:

Downloaded the 1.60 version this morning and also downloaded the new winamp config sample.

Here is what happened:

Browse for MP3 window pops up within the software remote. Files are listed.

I select a file and hit play. Nothing. I checked the Ststus, and the path for the winamp.exe file continues to revert to c:\program files\winamp\winamp.exe , even though the path is c:\program files\winamp3\winamp3.exe. I change this value, but it seems to revert to this path.

Once I correct that, I restarted the software remote. I selected a file and hit play. Winamp loads and the file plays. I then double click on a new mp3 file in that directory from within the remote. Winamp stops, and then shows the file I selected, but in italics. The song does not play, and the Winamp taskbar displayed "(stopped)"

So, I hit play on the remote, and the play button flashes "pause" momentarily, then back to play. Winamp status bar remains with "(stopped)" status.

The only way to then get the file to play is to bring winamp to the front, and double click on the the filename from within the winamp playlist, just hitting play on winamp does not do it.

I monitored the values from within Housebot, and aside from the seemingly random "forgetting" of the path to the winamp3.exe, the values change appropriately (i.e. the correct song title is displayed, and play and stop status).

What am I doing wrong? Thanks again Scott!


UPDATE: Found the problem with the file name reverting, the initial value is set to the old path, however I cant seem to change the initial value permanently....everytime I quit housebot and reopen it, the VALUE and INITIAL VALUE of File path reverts to the original. FYI :) Also, shouldnt the file start to play when you double click on it from within the software remote BROWSE for MP3s window?
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Post by ScottBot »

The WinAmp plugin works best with WinAmp 2.x. If you are using WinAmp 3, you have to use the Winamp 2.x Plugin Manager. I'd suggest getting it working with 2.x and then moving to 3.x when you're comfortable with the setup.

Also, make sure you have the Gen_WinampProxy.dll WinAmp plugin installed. The sample mentions this, but I don't think it is well stated in the on-line help. The instructions for installing the Gen_WinampProxy.dll plugin is in the Visualization section of the HouseBot WinAmp help file.

If you've installed the WinAmp config sample over the existing sample, it probably created new WinAmp and playlist Devices (using a -2 after the name). Make sure the Theme you are using correctly references the new Devices for the WinAmp Controls.

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Post by MichaelK »

I should have mentioned I already did this.....I imported the new configuration, delected the old one, and renamed the new one to just "winamp sample"...I then went to each control to change the device to the new "winamp sample".

And yes, it's Winamp3. And I ahve the plugin installed.

Aside from the path to the exe now being correct, I still get the play errors I decribed.

Now what? :)

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Post by ScottBot »


I'm running out of ideas.

If you want to send me your configuration file (HBData.mdb) or export the portions that are having the problem, I'll try and find something. You can email them to me at [email protected].

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Post by MichaelK »


Attempted to export, and kept getting the error "reference to deleted device" so I attempted to fix that, but with no I'm emialing you the hbdata file. Thanks again!

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Post by ScottBot »


I received the file. I've looked at the configuration and still don't see anything wrong. I've tried it on two different machines, and it seems to be working fine.

One thing to double-check is that the Gen_WinAmpProxy.dll is loaded. If you go to the "Options/Preferences" dialog in WinAmp3, scroll down to the bottom of the list and select "Winamp 2x Plugins". Make sure the Gen_WinAmpProxy.dll is in the list and loaded. (You've probably done this already, but I just want to be sure.)

The only other thing I can suggest is to try WinAmp2.x and see if it works for you. Maybe that will uncover some clues.

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