Housebot/Meedio Integration

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Housebot/Meedio Integration

Post by kbosscawen »

Can anyone speak to the plans with respect to the integration of Housebot and Meedio? I've played with the download of Meedio, and I like its media management functionality, but REALLY don't want to give up the flexibility that Housebot gives me in using other devices to control house functions via its software remotes.

Will a plug-in be developed (for either Housebot or Meedio) that allows Meedio to be accessed (2-way, like Housebot's WinAmp plug in) via a Housebot software remote? If so, any idea of the timing?

Can you blame me for wanting the best of both worlds?? :wink:
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Re: Housebot/Meedio Integration

Post by ScottBot »

kbosscawen wrote:Can you blame me for wanting the best of both worlds?? :wink:
The best of both worlds is what makes the integration possibilities exciting. There will be plugins developed for a new version of HouseBot that will couple the two applictions as you described.

The dust is still setteling from the HouseBot move, Meedio Essential launch, and the new web site. I think the future will become clear shortly.

... man, I miss my spell check button :x
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Post by acheslow »

Scott is right. Both Meedio Essentials and Meedio HouseBot provide a ton of features, flexibility, and exandability on their own. They complement each other very nicely when used at the same time. But the real reason that we acquired HouseBot is because of the synergies between it, Meedio Essentials, and Meedio HouseBot; and the exponential benefits of integrating them together. Expect that over time you will see the products provide tigther and tighter integration with each other. We already have a working plugin that provides two-way communication and control between Meedio Essentials and Meedio HouseBot but it is not yet ready to be released.
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Post by kbosscawen »

Since HB's commercial now, I know there are tighter reins on testing new code, but if you're interested in another pair of eyes/hands to help test the plugin, sign me up... I only have 14 days left in the Meedio eval and don't want to purchase until I can front-end it with HB. :wink:
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Post by osetivo »

I am one of those who really wanted tight Meedio/HomeSeer integration for Home Automation purposes, and because HomeSeer and HouseBot have differences (I was looking at both)

What was it about HouseBot that was attractive to Meedio? Was it more of the "Net Remote"/ PDA or "Girder" like features, or is there a real interest in broader "Home Automation" features more akin to HomeSeer, like Burglar Alarm, HVAC, Lighting?

acheslow wrote:Thanks Scott. You should check out HouseBot too. I've actually switched over to this from Homeseer and I expect that it will be nicely integrated with Meedio in the near future.


Nice understatment Alan :wink:
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Post by AndyK »

A couple of interesting points here that really need to be addressed. The statement from Alan that "over time you will see the products provide tigther and tighter integration with each other" and the question from osetivo "is there a real interest in broader "Home Automation" features more akin to HomeSeer, like Burglar Alarm, HVAC, Lighting?".

Will HouseBot remain as as stand-alone home automation program or will the emphasis be on home entertainment? I want to drive my house ... lights, appliances, security etc. I don't want to drive my TV or stereo. Will home automation be at the core of HouseBot as opposed to home entertainment?
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HouseBot is more than ......

Post by Circe640 »

I view HouseBot as more than a home automation system. Its roots may have been simple home automation, but the infrastructure is there to be a whole lot more than that. In some ways it surpasses Meedio essentials because it is easier to work with and that makes it more capable (sorry Pablo). The comparison in terms of users is not valid because myHTPC focus on a very narrow home entertainment market --- the music side is most useful to those who have large collections of MP3 files. The video side is a little more general. But in either case you have to do hoop jumping to use external high quality players.(You ought to be able to run external players with a simple and visible configuration item) Its big appeal is a prepackaged user interface which is why it gathered a large following during its myHTPC days. It garnered more developers and grew to become Meedio Essentials. The main thing missing from HouseBot has been external developers building plugins for HouseBot. It was 'relatively' easy for me to build the JukeBot plugin( I am not a real programmer!). In some ways the JukeBot sample theme contains more base functionality than the Meedio JukeBox/Music Player and at home I am running JukeBot on one machine while running Winamp on another through Device replication.(Can't see how to do that in Meedio) controlled through a software remote and if I ever get time, that control will move to a pronto. I believe that part of the reason we have not had more people in the development plugin circle is because home automation as HouseBot was viewed as not as interesting as Media. But HouseBot has been capable of supporting it for a while now. I really found nothing critical missing in HouseBot while building the JukeBot plugin.

I can understand why the Meedio group viewed HouseBot as an important acquisition. The problem I forsee is that the intergration is probably going to be backwards. Meedio should be come a plugin to HouseBot, not the other way around!

Meedio plus'

.Net technology, Prepackaged interface, great MP3 support, great flexibility in some areas.

Meedio minus' So far no indication of a good total automation core, no concept of remotes, remote libraries, device replication and building themes(skins) is for XML programmers.

I am still trying to figure out how it will manage my pre/pro, cable and sat boxes, LD and DVD-A/SACD player. I hope Alan who has been both a myHTPC and HouseBot user will sway the rest of the group to the HouseBot core. Unfortunately because myHTPC had such a large user community compared to HouseBot, I am afraid that the myHTPC side of Meedio is going to be viewed as the main engine and HouseBot as an add-in.
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Re: HouseBot is more than ......

Post by AndyK »

Circe640 wrote: ... I view HouseBot as more than a home automation system ...

Yes, I would agree with that. HouseBot goes way beyond a simple home automation application by virtue of the fact that it can be expanded almost without limit. Just the addition of some simple scripts allows me to do things like firing up and shutting down servers by sending emails to my system. I can control far more than a few X-10 devices ... I have loads of "virtual" devices and can manipulate things in an intelligent way that simply can't be accomplished by other programs. As you say, it would be a great shame to see HouseBot become an accessory to Meedio when it really deserves to stand in its own right.

I guess if there was a bit more openess from Meedio about what the "real" future plans are we wouldn't be asking these questions and wondering if it's time to move on!
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Post by Kairos »

I am still trying to figure out how it will manage my pre/pro, cable and sat boxes, LD and DVD-A/SACD player.

Meedio does not do such things. This has always been a set back. I have always used a combo of netremote and girder to control everything. I hope housebot can fill this gap as now.

It doesn't sound like housebot will be a plugin of esentials or vise versa. They are both powerful on their own as stand alone apps, and will probably include enough hooks for seamless integration.

I eagerly await some announcement as to the clear future of housebot though
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Post by AndyK »

Kairos wrote: ... I eagerly await some announcement as to the clear future of housebot though ...

Hahaha ... I think there may be one or two more users out here who would be more than happy to see that too!!

What are the chances of an honest statement of intention? Something on which users can base a decision.
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Post by acheslow »

I can tell you that we value HouseBot for everything that it provides as a standalone automation application as well as how well it complements and can be integrated with Meedio Essentials. Although we do plan and have already begun developing plugins to provide tighter integration between the two they will be sold as separate applications.

For now there are two "engines" because they each do different although related things and do them very well. In the future we may look to find ways of bringing the best of both worlds together, but our goal would be to provide more and better functionality to the end user, not less.

The bottom line is that Meedio HouseBot will continue to offer the same standalone automation and remote control capabilities that HouseBot has. In the very near future we'll post an announcement detailing how and when Meedio HouseBot will be available but it should be within days not weeks.
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Post by AndyK »

That's a completely ambiguous answer Alan. In one paragraph you say that "we value HouseBot for everything that it provides as a standalone automation application" and in the next you say that "For now there are two engines" (I emphasise the "for now") and "In the future we may look to find ways of bringing the best of both worlds together"

Reading between the lines it seems that Meedio and Housebot may eventually merge into a single application? What's it to be? What is the simple, plain English, no spin answer as to the "clear future of HouseBot"?

Now that Meedio has taken it, many HouseBot users would dearly like to know exactly what you're going to do with it ... because the answer to that question is likely to determine whether those users will buy it or abandon it!
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Post by kbosscawen »

Although we're not supposed to on this forum, I second AndyK's post, and that was the original intent of this topic - Clear, specific answers on what the future will bring for HouseBot, Meedio, and/or the combination of the two. Short term: Are you developing a Meedio plug-in for HB (preferred), a HB plugin for Meedio, both, ...? When do you expect to have it available? What are the long-term plans (without the contradictions)?

Enough of the commercial marketing jargon.... :?
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Its too early!

Post by Circe640 »

Like the rest of the group, I too would like to know where we are heading but you have to give Alan and the Meedio group a break! It is WAY too early for any definitive answer.

While Alan has used and done some developement for HouseBot, I doubt if the rest of the Meedio group have had much experience/exposure. It is going to take time for them to truly evaluate and understand the flexiblity HB represents.

The true merging of the products is not trivial. HouseBot is based around COM objects and Meedio Ess is .Net At this point, the best I would hope for is that over the next few months, there is a Meedio plugin for HouseBot that would tranfers key properties such as file to play (no playlist support in Meedio) either audio or video to HB, where HB can launch a player to play it and that Meedio will encourage third party/user developement for HB.

Longer term I would hope the following

a) HB moves to .Net

b) the Meedio/HouseBot theme/user interface development becomes common and retains HB ease of development.

c) The HB remote directly supports a Web Browser (easy with .Net)

d) There is a lot more plugin support added to HB for various devices - ie more IR devices, more specific serial devices, security systems etc With the big former myHTPC pool, there should be a lot more people capable of contributing to this area.

e) a tiny HB that is a low overhead device replication slave.

My $0.02 worth
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Post by ericvic »

Just want to throw in my opinion.

I don't think the core HB uses COM, Scott can correct me if I'm wrong.

I hope that HB doesn't go the .net route. I don't want to have to install a multi-megabyte runtime to get the same functionality we have now.

I would like to see HB mature but personally I don't care if it integrates with Meedio Essentials or not. I'm interested in the HA aspects of HB.

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