Skins for HB

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Skins for HB

Post by chocolate »

Hi all,

I've been looking around for some nice skins for housebot. I wanted to use my Ipaq as remote control but I found the included skins not very exciting. I found on remote central after some research a nice setup. The man who designed it is Andre Fresnes. He unfortunatly stopped developping other buttons. He published his current buttons and backgounds on a website. The backgrounds are modular and the buttons two state but individual png's. He designed them for a philips pronto. So to use them in housebot you have to combine them into one png file. Here's the link .

Maybe this is a nice one to include in a further release of housebot.

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Post by ScottBot »


Thanks for the link. I totally agree that the skins shipped with HouseBot are very bland. You can get a few extra here. The 'Red' skin is the best of the options, in my opinion.

I think there's a lot of room for new skins to be developed in the future. Once things get setup so users can contribute, hopefully things will get moving. I might even work on some better ones myself.
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