Any Housebot Progress Work going on?

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Any Housebot Progress Work going on?

Post by talisman »

Hello, been reading thru this forum and there are several areas, that "in the pipeline" a lot.

Is there any progress being made on an update for HB now that TV is out or are you guys still working hard on TV updates for additional cards?

Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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Post by Jakar »

Its a little quiet .. I guess you have your answer. :|
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Post by BotAll »

This is crazy, HouseBot has so much potential and yet its wasted on a company like Meedio.

Is someone from Meedio actually reading the forums or are we asking for too much? :x
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Post by Aeroschmelz »

It is best if you open a support ticket for questions/reporting problems etc.
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Post by yaccri »

Last summer is over, last winter is over, this summer is almost over and winter will come soon.

So much time has passed, and very little progress with HouseBot.

If you want to dump HouseBot, why did you aquire it?

If you want to keep this great product, why don't you pay more attention to the user community?

Can we get a clue on what's been going on?

What should we expect from future releases?

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Post by pablo »

We do read the forums and we do value your opinion and comments. We have not been able to dedicate enough resources to HouseBot, so things are moving slower than we (or you) would like. We understand the value of HouseBot; that is why we acquired it. It is all a question of resources.

Unfortunately, I am unable to share any more details than that at this time.
the Pablo
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Post by yaccri »

So much for diplomacy...

Is there somebody from Meedio who can tell what's going on?

I really want to know when to expect the next release, and what will it include. What are the future plans?

Just don't put another post that says nothing.
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Post by Aeroschmelz »

if pablo doesn't want to say more, nobody from Meedio will say more.
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Don't give up pal

Post by yaccri »

For me, this is too important to let go.

I will keep reminding the people at Meedio that answers are expected.

After such a long time of waiting, I lost my patience.
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Post by Jakar »


I have the deepest awe and respect for myHTPC/Meedio Essentials. It is obvously the more popular product for Meedio. Added to that the support from the forums and Meedio are very good.

HouseBot however, though resources are low, receives not little, but no attention. This can be seen by how old most of the posts are on the HouseBot forum. In fact, the only attention most get is from those that have been loyal to the product or Scott. You have many that are crying for this product to be finished, yes, I said finished.

I think two things would help the community right away. 1) Quit charging so much for a product that is not supported nor getting any real upgrade support. myHTPC is a great example of getting developers, those who like to tinker, and users engaged. Its now an awesome product that many can program for and use with confidence that they not only have the support of Meedio, but the community as well. HouseBot started this way, but know is out of steam. 2) Encourage plugin, control, skin, theme, and other development. I could be wrong, but right now I need to search and search and search and search.. well, and not find to much, except for really old posts. What you do find is being made only available from Meedio or Scott. Can users or how can users share what they are doing with HouseBot without getting flooded with Meedio Essentials stuff? Frankly its kind of confusing. Or maybe nobody is doing anything, not sure. If the intent is to integrated it in with Essentials ... maybe you are on the right path.

I am very close to switching from HomeSeer (the best known and supported home automation tool at this time) due to the fact that you need to be an xlobby or mainlobby expert to create a remote gui. Then on top that.. they got rid of the setup gui. Everything is web based, stupid decision in my opinion, especially when the web pages look like my child put them together. Also... tired of paying $39 to grab scripts that were once free to control my irrigation system or control my motion sensors.

Because of the software remote, the standard configuration gui, the ability to run scripts, and the fact I can run from Essentials has me nearly hooked. I also like that I can get something up in running in a short amount of time that looks reasonably good that is untuitive enough for anyone to use (not so with HomseSeer). However, I have three days left on my trial and still really wondering if this is all there is... if so, I am probably wasting my money. Confidence is low on seeing any support. Oh..and by the way, add a web server to HouseBot, hands down HomeSeer would have some real competition. Probably would already if someone was working on HouseBot.

Almost ready to buy, would be using if freeware/shareware or certainly less expensive already, someone give me a reason to purchase HouseBot.

J :?
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Post by talisman »

Im with Jakar with the pricing of HB, i think its a horrible price to pay for the reasons state, compared to the price you pay for Essentials or TV or Meedio Pro.

This other software is way cheaper, highly supported, and updated frequently.

HB is very expensive, not supported (the way it seems) and not updated full stop.

The only support you do get is Scottbot, who keeps telling us he doesnt work for Meedio!!

This is suppose to be a Disscussion section and to be told Post a Ticket each time isnt helping anyone is it.

Im not complaining at the Meedio guys, my setup currently works for what i need after fudging it between HB and essentials. But it would be nice for it to work straight the way i want thru HB and/or essentials without having to mess about.

And i do think its daft to take over a product only then not to have time/resources to work on it because your to busy working on your OWN (meedio) products. May as well have left it where it was.

But saying that then i wouldnt have known it existed lol :lol:
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Post by gplasky »

talisman wrote:Im with Jakar with the pricing of HB, i think its a horrible price to pay for the reasons state, compared to the price you pay for Essentials or TV or Meedio Pro.

I'm confused. :roll:

Why would you compare the price of Housebot to Meedio Essentials or Pro? Those are 2 totally completely different products. I would think you would compare prices of similar products. Like Housebot ($99.95) and Homeseer ($199.95) When comparing like products, Housebot is much cheaper.

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Post by talisman »

Im comparing the price of it to the support and work that has gone into it.

I dont know about homesteer or other automation software, i would prob never even have tried it if Meedio hadnt introduced it. It just seems alot of cash to part with compared to the other software within meedio (reguardless of what it does/is blah blah) that is being supported 100%.

Im new to automation and struggling by.

I think its support people really care about here. Would you want to part with $99 at the mo knowing meedio dont have the people working on it, and next to no support within its forum for HB.
Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
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Post by gplasky »

If I truly need support I open up a Support Ticket.

The forums are for user discussions, throwing ideas around, and sometimes solving issues between users. But for really getting the issues taken care of I always open a support ticket. Hasn't failed me so far.

Big Gerr
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Post by Jakar »

If the forum isn't for support and help from other users... then remove it from the support page.
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