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Pocket PCs as HB home theater remote?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:31 pm
by jkim
I am looking for feedback on HB and remote control so this could go into either forum, but here goes. I am new to HB and this maybe a newbie type question.

I am looking for feedback from other users that use pocket PCs as HB home theater remotes. I would think the way to use this would be to design a theme and use the software remote to control HB (right?).

This has to be done right or the wife and kids will hang me out to dry. They are already tired of me turning the TV on/off in the middle of their shows while I program HB. This needs to basically operate like a remote control and I may be better off with a low end Pronto. (I hate to drive all the HB functions through IR/RF when IP is available).

Here are some questions:

1) What is the process to power up a pocket pc and connect to the HB software remote?

2) s it menu driven or icon driven?

3) How long does this process take (approx. seconds)?

4) Does it need to register with the network every time (get an IP address)?

5) Can you leave it powered on an a/c cradle?

6) Can you use a finger to operate or does it require a stylus to navigate?

I know some of these questions may be off base as I just have a basic understanding of how this stuff works. Thanks for your input.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:32 pm
by jkim
Sorry, one last question.... will any pocket pc work or are there specific OS that I should look for?


Re: Pocket PCs as HB home theater remote?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:29 am
by BotAll
I've been using HB for a month now, it works great (although the support could be a lot better). That said here are a few answers to your questions:

jkim wrote: 1) What is the process to power up a pocket pc and connect to the HB software remote?
All you need to do is have the SW Remote as part of your startup, keep in mind that if the network connection isn't available yet when SWRemote is executed it will timeout with an error.
jkim wrote: 2) Is it menu driven or icon driven?
The Software Remote will support whatever theme you can create in HB. Let me tell you its powerful and will provide you with whatever look you can image. If your interested I'll do some screen shots of my theme to give you an example of the power.
jkim wrote: 3) How long does this process take (approx. seconds)?
The limitation will not be your PocketPC but rather the automation technology your using (ie. Z-Wave, X10, etc).
jkim wrote: 4) Does it need to register with the network every time (get an IP address)?
If the device is turned off then yes it will need to regain access to your WIFI access point. That said you can configure your device to stay on forever and instead turn off the backlight, but it will end up using your battery up quickly as Wifi is nutorious for draining batteries. There is also a built in option to blank you screen after so many seconds when using SWRemote.
jkim wrote: 5) Can you leave it powered on an a/c cradle?
Absolutely as long as your settings for your PocketPC have it stay on you'll be always ready to go and not have to worry about regaining access to the network.
jkim wrote: 6) Can you use a finger to operate or does it require a stylus to navigate?
Absolutely, it all depends on how you've styled your theme. Use large buttons and it will make navigation by finger a snap.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:10 am
by jkim
Botall -

Thanks for the response and insight. I appreciate you taking the time.

Few follow ups :

1) Can you fully automate the start up routine to connect to the access point and then the SW remote. (Antherwords, if a teach the kids to turn it on, will it start up without them starting each individual function manually). How long does this process take if automated?

2) Please send me screeen shots! Did you use the theme artwork from HB or create your own? If you created your own, where did you get it?

Lastly, what OS are you running? The HB documentation lists pocket PCs in general and says most should work but I have seen forums where people have had problems with certain OS platforms. Is the processor more relevant (ARM, MIPS, SH3)?

Thanks again.