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I have a idea! :)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:50 am
by Dakkar
I just want to share a idea I have to better integrate Essentials to HB.

My problem is to execute HB task from essentials, but without having to use the module connector.

I have been reading about the jump method, but it seems that in this way you change the module you are in. (For example, if I am in the media module and with a mapped key I jupm to a command module, I will leave the media module).

So what about this:

1) From whithin the screen you execute a girder event.exe command

2) Girder reacts to this event with a command that change the state of a property of a X10 device

3) HB starts a task in reaction to this property change.

Do you think it could work? These are my doubts:

1) Can HB and Girder work togheter on the same CM11A?

2) I need girder to change a not relevant property of a device. I mean, in HB I would have used a fake non hardware device... How can I do with real device? Does not important properties exist for X10 devices?

mmm... The alternative is to do everything with girder, but I don't know how to do that (expecially to control the SW10 to lower a projector screen to a EXACT height...)

What do you think about?


Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:22 pm
by ScottBot
Can you just use the HouseBot External Control device and call HB_Control.exe instead of going through Girder using event.exe?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 7:44 am
by Dakkar
ScottBot wrote:Can you just use the HouseBot External Control device and call HB_Control.exe instead of going through Girder using event.exe?

Simply because I didn't know it existed! :)

Now I found it and it is very useful!!!

Thank you very much Scott!
