RS232 Problem

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RS232 Problem

Post by Dakkar »

Hello Everybody,

I am trying to control my DENON receiver with Housebot and the RS232 device.

I have some problems:

1) I can't receive data

2) I manage to send commands but not always. Randomically it works, but not more than 50% of the tries.

The cable is working, because with the RS232 Meedio Essentials Plugin it works perfectly!!!

I think I followed the right steps, cause sometimes, only sometimes, it works!!!

Please, help me!!!

Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

Does HouseBot own the COM port?

What are your COM port settings? (9600 - 8 - 1 - none?)

How did you go about setting it up? I guess you use the Hardware Generic Serial Device, created some Denon specific serial commands and set up a device from where you could read what is logged in the Received Data property. Make sure you hardware is set up OK and turn up the volume while watching the Received Data Property. this should be filled with Volume commands.

In other words, just be somewhat more specific in what you have set up so far..
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Post by Dakkar »

Hi Richard!

Yes, I did all the steps. My com is 9600 8 1 none and I configured it all...

I have the received data property, but it doesn't show anything!!!

And, also, even sending commands works 50% of the tentatives...

But with the RS232 plugin for Essentials sending commands works perfectly.

The receivedata property is supposed to change only if I send a command or even if I change the volume with the receiver remote?

I don't know what is wrong...


Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »


So if Essentials works OK, your amp and cable should be fine. Do you kill Essentials completely (maybe even the Meedio Service) to make sure HouseBot has control over the COM port.

Please try to connect to your amp using Hyperterm and type a command in there with the local echo on. See how that works out for you. What COM port are you using and what version of HouseBot are you using. I assume you are using a standard COM 1 or 2 and not a USB to Serial cable?!

My Onkyo gives a serial status of everything I do with my remote or on the Onkyo itself. I can only imagine that Denon works in the same way. If that is the case, you should see commands while pushing buttons on your Denon.

And of course you hardhware Generic Serial Device IS enabled?!
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Post by Dakkar »


I am using the last HB version. My com is COM1.

I did this test: I tried to change the volume with the remote and I check with a voltmeter the current at the RS232 plug (pin 3 and 5 of the long raw). I mesaured a change in the voltage when changing volume! So the cable is vorking I assume...

I started Hperterminal, but I have never used it... I set the echo on and tried to type some command... Do they have to be ASCII or HEX?

If I change volume with the remote should I see someting in the hyuperterminal console???

Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

All Denon's protocols are online and they appear to be just ascii.

If you try Hyperterm, be sure HouseBot is not running, or you will fail to open the port. If you set the local echo to on, you should see what you type. Also if the amp gives out RS232 signals, they should appear in your hyperterminal window. Just start out simple and get hyperterm or any other terminal to work first before starting HouseBot. I take it you know about the Denon protocol / message structure.
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Post by ScottBot »

You may also want to turn on tracing on the Generic Serial Hardware Interface. Sometimes you may see some clues in what you see (or don't see) in the trace data.
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Post by Dakkar »

Thank you everybody for your help!!!

Finally I found the problem: the cable!!!

I had to reassemble a new serial cable and it finally started to work!!! My fault was the pin assignment (I followed the scheme for a male connector but it was a female!!! :) Just because the TX signal was on the middle pin the trasmission of the command seemed to work!!!)

Anyway, thank you all for you help!!! Everything works perfectly now!!!

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