Dynamic image on multiple remotes

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Dynamic image on multiple remotes

Post by incoronado »

I'm havinga strange problem with dynamic images. Everything works fine on the sw remote running on the same computer as the server (100% of the time), but when I run it from another sw remote runnning on a remote machine I get an error and the image does not update.

and I get the following TCP/IP Server Error:

Unable to find file = [C:\Program Files\HouseBot\Config\Themes\in-wall\folder.jpg] for Remote GetFileRequest

I have an external process dynamically creating the image file and have even given a huge sleep time (>5000) after my procedure to help ensure the process has completed and created the folder.jpg file. It has no absolutely no effect.
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Post by roussell »

I had a similar problem and error message. Mine was caused by my script deleting the image before it copied the new image to the folder, even though the two lines in the script were next to each other.

I think my "refresh" was so fast that the script and the swremote would get out of sync and the swremote would ask for the image right as the script was deleting it. I started just copying over the old image with the new and the problem went away.

Since you have increased your sleep-time so much, I'm not sure if this will help your situation or not.
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

Can't you just set a flag to TRUE in the procedure call so that the procedure finishes before continuing the script.

Talking about:

'MyShell.Run "rundll32.exe nview.dll, nViewCmd loadprofile DualView_16_Bits all", 0, True

Where True waits to complete and False just continues.

Just a wild guess here...
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