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DS10a low battery notification

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:15 am
by vc1234

Apparently, HouseBot does not decode the low battery status with X10 DS10a door open/close sensors. Here's a W800RF32 interface trace for the normal case:

Code: Select all

"1/15/2009","7:16:27 am","W800RF32","Debug","W800 received raw data [3f 30 04 fb]."
"1/15/2009","7:16:27 am","W800RF32","Debug","X-10 Security Command Received.  CMD = [Sensor Open Min]. Unit = [48]"
The command code is 0x04 or if you reverse the bits to get the X10 encoding, 0x20. "0x20" means "Open Min".

Tonight, with the temperature below 0 degrees Fahr, I got the following:

Code: Select all

"1/16/2009","7:22:16 am","W800RF32","Debug","W800 received raw data [3f 30 05 fa]."
"1/16/2009","7:22:16 am","W800RF32","Warning","W800 has received an invalid housecode value [0x5]"
The command code is 0x05 or if you reverse the bit order, 0xA0. "0xA0" means "Open Min" + "Battery Low", but HouseBot thinks it's an error.

Here's the rest of X11 security commands courtesy of MisterHouse (see 20/21 vs. a0/a1 in particular):

Code: Select all

# Map of security codes to class:function identifiers.
my %scodes = qw(
    00 Sensor:AlertMax          01 Sensor:NormalMax
		02 Sensor:AlertTamperMax    03 Sensor:NormalTamperMax
		20 Sensor:AlertMin          21 Sensor:NormalMin
		22 Sensor:AlertTamperMin    23 Sensor:NormalTamperMin
		30 Sensor:Alert             31 Sensor:Normal
		32 Sensor:AlertTamper       33 Sensor:NormalTamper
		40 System:ArmAwayMax        41 System:Disarm
		42 Control:SecurityLightsOn 43 Control:SecurityLightsOff
		44 System:Panic
		50 System:ArmHomeMax        60 System:ArmAwayMin
		61 System:Disarm
		62 Control:LightsOn         63 Control:LightsOff
		64 System:Panic
		70 System:ArmHomeMin
		80 Sensor:AlertBattLowMax   81 Sensor:NormalBattLowMax
    a0 Sensor:AlertBattLowMin   a1 Sensor:NormalBattLowMin
    c0 System:Panic
I think it should not be too hard to add the missing security command decoding to HouseBot.

